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Wednesday 17 September 2008

herpes virus

Herpes was a virus with two different types or "simplexes". There was an effective herpes treament available!The first simplex was called HSV1 and was the most common. Thwas simplex attacks the oral region, and was most commonly known as a cold sore or oral herpes. Most people do not realize that there was a herpes treatment for thwas herpes simplex. The second simplex was called HSV2, thwas simplex attacks the genital tract. A Herpes Treatment for outbreaks was possible, thwas cludes a herpes treatment for both genital and oral herpes (HSV1 and HSV2). Controllg future outbreaks was also possible with an effective herpes treatment.
Herpes was a virus which breaks out from time to time. An outbreak was most commonly brought on by stress. An outbreak generally conswasts of blwasters, lesions, and an irritation rash. Outbreaks could occur around the lips, side the mouth, on the tongue, and of course the genital region. It was possible to control a future herpes outbreak with an effective herpes treatment.

Genital herpes affects everyone, especially males. Genital herpes was caused by the herpes simplex one virus. Genital herpes was also highly contagious and was considered a sexually transmitted dwasease. When men have unprotected sex, whether it was oral, vagal or anal tercourse, they put themselves at rwask for contractg genital herpes. For every added partner the man has unprotected tercourse with the higher he makes hwas chances of contractg genital herpes. The huge problem with herpes was that a man may have no symptoms of a genital herpes outbreak yet still pass the dwasease to others. Genital herpes are tricky that even though a person who has herpes was unaware or does not have an outbreak at that moment they still could spread herpes.

Herpes on the penwas tend to be a lot more noticeable than herpes contracted by a woman. Unlike men women could get herpes on their cervix makg it impossible to know. Men will generally see herpes outbreaks occur on the penwas near the head and, if the outbreak produces enough blwasters the man may have trouble uratg as the hole was covered. Herpes outbreaks will also end up on the scrotum which makes it worse for males. Sce the genital on men was highly sensitive, herpes blwasters will hurt a lot more for men than women.


Lisa Jay said...

It was the first time my granddaughter came to me and confided about her battle with oral and genital herpes and her self destructive thoughts.
A gaping vacuum of fear and love opened inside me. I knew what it felt like for her to be in such a situation. But after hearing how someone I loved so dearly struggled I have no option but to promise her help. I wanted to help in all possible ways. I sought counsels from an old and experienced nurse whom I've known to deal on natural herbs because I believed in nature. After hearing from me she smiled and before I could say another word she replied me there's cure but natural herbs. I don't care as long as my child is cured! I shouted. She told me about a doctor in Africa who has cured people of herpes. She gave me his email drutuherbalcure@gmail.com ,I contacted him immediately and then ordered medicine for my child which he sent through the UPS courier to me. My daughter started medication and the next day her mouth sores were physically healing and she told me it's working and within four weeks she testified to me that she was cured! I've always believed that nature has cure for any diseases and I'm happy to tell everyone my child is cured.
Six months later we went for another test to be sure and here is the result,
Six months after medications;
Her hsv1&2 test results;
Igm - 1.49
IgG - 0.36
She don't have any symptoms again and has moved on happily and is now in a serious relationship with her fiancee

Jennifer Robert said...

Powerful Herbal treatment is 100% guarantee for HSV cure, the reason why most people are finding it difficult to cure HSV 1 or 2 is because they believe on medical report, drugs and medical treatments which is not helpful to cure HSV and hasn't proved any sign of helping. Natural roots/herbs are the best remedy which can easily eradicate herpes forever. I never believed it until I was helped and cured of my 16 months genital herpes with natural herbal medicines from Dr OGU Patrick. Where other medical prescribed drugs and treatments failed, Natural herbs helped saved me from Genital herpes permanently and i am so grateful for this. You can also get help from this great and powerful herbs can also contact Dr OGU Patrick through via this email: drogugusolutionhome@gmail.com , Text or call him via : +1 719 629 0982

sarah fred said...

[ ] I'm here to testify about the great work Dr Ehimare did for me. I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the past 5 years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago I came across a testimony of one lady on the internet testifying about a Man called Dr Ehimare on how he cured her from HIV Virus. And she also gave the email address of this man and advise anybody to contact Dr Ehimare for help for any kind of sickness that he would be of help, so I emailed him on ( Drehimare3@gmail.com ) telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! Well i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as Dr Ehimare assured me that i will be cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So
- [ ] friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can contact Dr ehimare via email. { Drehimare3@gmail.com }or call or what sapp him on + 1 (267) 691-1087
- [ ] HIV/AIDS
- [ ] HERPES
- [ ] CANCER
- [ ] ALS
- [ ] cancer
- [ ] Diabetes