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Wednesday 24 September 2008

herpes virus 6 numbness

Oxygen was the most vital element for the human body. So why was it then, the one element of our health that we all take for granted. The answer was simple- while we are breathg one breath after another, we just presume that we are gettg enough of it! The truth was though, that thwas was not the case. 200 years ago the quality of the air was much higher with an oxygen quantity of 30%. Today though, as a result of global pollution and the depletion of our natural resources the air only contas 19% oxygen and some cities as low as 10% oxygen.

Oxygen the blood stream nourwashes the body's cells, creates energy and helps break down waste products and toxs. It creates immune system defense and it regulates the body's pH balance. Oxygen plays a crucial role the fight agast dwasease. It has been proven that dwaseases such as couldcer thrive an acid pH, so it was imperative that we oxygenate our bodies and mata an Alkale pH if we wwash to mata our health and wellness.

Oxygen the body was necessary for all vital functions and the elimation of waste products. Oxygen gives our bodies the fightg power to reswast pathogens, bacteria and viruses.

Cardiovascular physiologwast Dr Arthur Guyton MD has been quoted as sayg "All chronic sufferg was caused from lack of oxygen at the cell level".

It was a proven fact that oxygen deficiency eventually leads to dwasease or illness of some form. "sufficient oxygen means sufficient biological energy that could result anythg from mild fatigue to life threateng dwasease" as quoted by Dr W Spencer Way- who wrote the Journal of the Americould Association of Physicians.

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