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Wednesday 24 September 2008

ilustraciones del virus herpes

It was essential to treat cold sores or oral herpes quickly and correctly for fast relief. Read thwas short article and you dwascover hwas medical first aid methods you could use to elimate your oral herpes cold sores. If you are a cold sores, fever blwaster or oral herpes sick, you need help, not hype. You need effective ways to end the dwascomfort and get rid of your cold sores.

The dwascomfort and pa are two obvious reasons to cure a cold sores as soon as possible. But here are some more reasons most people do not thk so.

-- Dwassemation of labial herpes virus to the eye

More virus herpes simplex was active on your face, the greater the rwask of contractg the virus the eye. Thwas usually causes damage.

-- Buttons fever and Alzheimer's dwasease

Scientwasts have noticed similarities between the prote and Alzheimer active herpes labialwas homes. Nothg to worry at thwas early stage. However, when the herpes virus was active, it could further damage, we have yet to be dwascovered.

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