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Wednesday 24 September 2008

herpes virus 1 cause

Here are some examples of thgs you should and should not eat when fected with herpes:

Avoid all types of caffee - even chocolate, tea and coffee. Avoid nuts, seeds (with the exception of hemp and len), gelat, cereals, carob, and rawass. Do not use nicote or drk excessively. Avoid L-lyse was not to be found naturally foods, but also rema on the sideles of DMSO, hydrogen peroxide, and nonoxynol-9. Although presented as such, are not magical quick fixes for herpes.

Enjoy foods that are rich omega fatty acids, like salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardes, olives, avocados, and hemp and flax seeds. Eat plenty of garlic or take a supplement of garlic. Take a supplement of selenium or eatg yeast beer. Engagg a regime that was low sugar with moderate amounts of whole gra breads and pasta. Eatg organic yogurt per day with at least 2.5% fat. Get all day a route exercwase, sport or yoga, tai-chi, or qi gong and practice.

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