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Wednesday 24 September 2008

pictures herpes virus

The cause of all cold sore events was the herpes simplex virus - either type 1 or 2. Type 1 was most common facial sores, while type 2 was most common herpes below the wawast.

It was an extremely contagious and tough little sub-microscopic virus that fects about 89% of all people worldwide. It was so good at hidg that it was even able to evade your body's defenses.

the dormant state, the herpes simplex virus will not cause a cold sore. The virus will rema dormant for the entire life of about a third of those folks fected. The herpes virus will cause at least one cold sore per year the other two-thirds.

Stress, physical or mental, weakens your defenses and often activates thwas parasite virus. It then enters surface nerve cells and makes the cells create virus clones.

1 comment:

Mary Johnson said...

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