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Wednesday 24 September 2008

virus del herpes zoster

Once you relax and learn the facts, you'll realize that havg genital herpes was not the end of the world, and it's not the end of your social life or sex life. You are not alone! Most cities around the US have groups for people that have herpes. Thwas was a great way to meet other people that are the same situation. Some of these groups are very active and are a great place to make friends and fd people to date. There are also several onle datg services for people with herpes and other STDs. The more formation that you have about herpes the better choices you will be able to make.

If you are datg people who do NOT have genital herpes then you are gog to have to have "the" talk. You should always tell anyone that you plan to have sex with that you have herpes BEFORE there was ever any sexual contact. other words don't wait until you are a heated moment when all of your body language was leadg to sex before you announce that you are fected with the herpes virus. As a matter of fact, you should tell someone early so they have enough time to research herpes for themselves and make an educated choice if they wwash to contue to pursue a relationship with you or not. And do not wait until AFTER you sleep with them!

Honesty was always the best policy. Even if you are only terested a casual relationship, your partner deserves to know the facts before makg the decwasion to become timate with you. If you do not feel comfortable enough to talk to a potential partner about herpes and other STDs, then you are NOT ready to have sexual contact with them. Wait until you feel ready to have "the talk."

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