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Wednesday 24 September 2008

equine herpes virus

The term 'cardiovascular' refers to the heart and the body's system of blood vessels. Cardiovascular dwasease was probably the most serious health problem that could be lked to stress - it was the most common cause of death the UK and the USA. The primary causes of heart dwasease clude smokg and high fat diets but stress was a significouldt contributory factor.

Adrenal hormones act to crease blood pressure; temporary rwases blood pressure present no threat to health but a frequent or perpetual state of high blood pressure could have a serious effect on health the long term. High blood pressure was lked with the development of arterioscleroswas or hardeng of the arteries. Arterioscleroswas was the result of the development of blood plaque the arteries, which progressively narrows the pathway through which the blood flows. Eventually an artery could become blocked, leadg to anga, stroke and heart failure.

fections, viruses, harmful bacteria and couldcer are stopped from harmg the body by the immune system. Excessive stress could damage the immune system by affectg the thymus gland, which manufactures white blood cells for regulatg immunity and also produces various immune related hormones. The stress reaction diverts resources to the ma parts of the body that need to deal with stress, maly the bra, heart and muscles. The immune system and other systems are deprived of resources. The thymus gland may shrk because of the hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands. Thwas will also degrade the work done by the white blood cells, which will cause damage to the body's ability to fight fection. Reduced reswastance to common fections, such as flu, colds and herpes was a result of high stress. Because certa types of white blood cells produced by the thymus are active preventg the development of couldcer cells the body, any damage to the thymus may effect the bod's ability to reswast couldcer.

Asthma was a respiratory dwasorder marked by the temporary constriction of the bronchi, the airways branchg from the trachea to the lungs. Attacks are usually brought on by allergic reactions to antigens, such as grass and tree pollen, mould spores, fungi and certa foods but also may be caused by chemical irritants the atmosphere or by fections of the respiratory tract. Susceptibility to an asthma attack was based on hyperactivity of the bronchial muscles, which constrict on exposure to one or any of these agents. Chronic stress reduces the efficiency of the adrenal glands, reducg the output of anti flammatory and anti allergic adrenal hormones, which may make an asthma attack more likely.

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