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Wednesday 24 September 2008

animal herpes virus

like ps and needles, more specifically like ants crawlg on or under the sk - breast atrophy - mood dwasturbances - depression - anxiety - dyspareunia or paful tercourse - decreased libido dications: - Post- menopausal syndrome - Senile vagitwas - Delayed puberty girls - Post menopausal osteoporoswas 0.625 mg daily for 25 days followed by a break of 5 days - Contraceptive - Dysmenorrhoea - Acne - Hirsuitwasm - Functional utere bleedg - Suppression of lactation - Prostate couldcer.1.25 mg to 2.5 mg three times daily. Palliative purposes only - Breast couldcer. 10 mg three times daily for a period of at least three months. Palliative purposes only. - Female hypogonadwasmâ€"0.3 mg to 0.625 mg daily, admwastered cyclically. Meang for 3 weeks followed by a break of 1 week. Above all the most important dication was Post- menopausal syndrome. DOSAGE AND ADMwasTRATION When estrogen was prescribed for a postmenopausal woman with a uterus, progest should also be itiated to reduce the rwask of endometrial couldcer. A woman without a uterus does not need progest. Use of estrogen, alone or combation with a progest, should be limited to the shortest duration conswastent with treatment goals and rwasks for the dividual woman. Patients should be re-evaluated periodically as clically appropriate, 3 or 6 monthly tervals to determe if treatment was still necessary For women who have a uterus, adequate diagnostic measures, such as endometrial samplg, when dicated, should be undertaken to rule out malignancy cases of undiagnosed perswastent or recurrg abnormal vagal bleedg. Contradications: - pregnancy - lactation - undiagnosed vagal bleedg - Cardiovascular or cerebrovascular dwasorders like thrombophlebitwas or thromboembolic processes. - Severe hepatic impairment - Hypertension - Herpes gestationwas - Rotor syndrome - Dubl Johnson syndrome - Porphyria - Endometrial hyperplasia - Hyperlipoproteemia - Suspected estrogen dependent neoplasia tumors - Premar Tablets should not be used patients with known hypersensitivity to their gredients • Estrogens crease the chances of gettg utere/endometrial couldcer Any unusual vagal bleedg while usg Premar should be brought to the notice of the doctor.Vagal bleedg after menopause could be a warng sign of utere couldcer. • Estrogens should not be used with or without progests to prevent heart dwasease, heart attacks, strokes, or dementia. Usg estrogens with or without progests may crease the chances of gettg heart attacks, strokes, breast couldcer, and blood clots. Usg estrogens, with or without progests, may also crease the rwask of dementia. Hence the patient should be made fully aware of these wassues before startg with Premar Additional adverse effects seen with Premar accordg to the FDA: - Changes vagal bleedg pattern and abnormal withdrawal bleedg or flow; breakthrough bleedg or spottg - Change amount of cervical secretion - crease size of utere leiomyomata - Vagitwas, cludg vagal coulddidiaswas. - Changes vagal bleedg pattern and abnormal withdrawal bleedg or flow; breakthrough bleedg, spottg. - Breast Tenderness, enlargement, pa, dwascharge, and galactorrhea. - Pulmonary embolwasm. - Myocardial farction. - creased cidence of gallbladder dwasease. - Chloasma or melasma that may perswast when drug was dwascontued. - Exacerbation of epilepsy. Special precautions: - epilepsy - migrae - bronchial asthma - cardiac dwasease - renal dwasease - dwascontue if couldcer progression or hypercalcemia occur - Premar may cause salt and water retention, chronic mastitwas [breast], abnormal mammograms - Impendg major surgeries. Laboratory Tests Premar admwastration should be guided by clical response at the lowest dose for the treatment of postmenopausal moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms and moderate to severe symptoms of postmenopausal vulvar and vagal atrophy. Laboratory parameters may be useful guidg dosage for the treatment of hypoestrogenwasm due to hypogonadwasm, castration and primary ovarian failure. Side effects: - suppression of libido - gynecomastia and femization males - utere couldcer - breast couldcer - benign hepatomas - Fusion of epiphyswas of growg bones and thwas may lead to reduction of adult stature when given to children. However Premar has also courted controversy from the animal rights activwasts. Animal rights activwasts claim that animal husbandry and ure collection methods used Premar's production cause undue stress and sufferg to the mares volved. Moreover there could be an overabundance of poorly bred foals produced by Pregnant Mare Ure (PMU) farms each year; these foals are often doomed to slaughter unless animal rescue groups could get them to safety. Efforts are also made to rescue retired mares lieu of their beg sent to slaughte

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