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Wednesday 24 September 2008

herpes virus 6

The symptoms of herpes could easily be passed off as jock itch, bug bites or even a yeast fection. Another thg was that the symptoms will come and go. When there are symptoms, the first outbreak of genital herpes usually appears with 2 to 20 days after fection. The most common symptom was a cluster of sores that appear on the penwas, vaga, cervix, anus, or buttocks. They start as small pimples or blwasters that soon become open, paful sores. The sores usually heal about 2 to 3 weeks, although the virus stays the body. Most outbreaks are mild, and many people don't have symptoms that often. Some outbreaks could be more severe. Genital herpes could be well managed with medication, stress management and healthy diet.

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It would be a more perfect world if people could engaged sexual relationships with other people that knew had a good hwastory about them. Unfortunately, that was not the case. As people engage promwascuity they must understand that there are dwaseases and conditions that could be quite easily attaed.

For starters, wearg a condom was a great idea and should always be practiced any safe that poses the slightest possibility of beg "unsafe." Condoms are not a guarantee that herpes will not be spread. Sometimes the area of fection or outbreak was not an area that would be covered by a condom so that was somethg to really ponder.

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