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Wednesday 1 October 2008

herpes simplex virus 1 first detected

ch may further deteriorate the sore conditions. Prevention is preferable to cure so where possible, avoid acidic and salty foods. It is best to have no or very moderate quantum of foods which are as follows: chocolates, peanuts, grains, peas, seeds, oatmeal and whole-wheat rich in arginine. Schedule your diet plan in such a way that there is no consumption of tea or coffee and your foods are all rich in vitamins. Rubbing ice over the sore area every hour for a few minutes is an effective home remedy for cold sores. Or put tea bag on the sores or a few minutes every hour. A warm tea bag compress on the blisters for about half an hour could also be another option. Applying witch hazel on sores has a miraculous relief effect. If you are in the sun, apply sunscreen to your lips as it may help prevent sun-induced recurrences of cold sores. When you mix 100ml of coconut oil, 2ml of disinfectant, and 3ml of carbolic acid you could expect fantastic results. While some people recommend this for boils and mosquito bites, for cold sores apply this 2 times daily directly on the cold sores. One of the most effective home remedies for cold sores is using tea tree oil as a drink with herbal sage and violet. Make a mixture out of these components adding a couple of sage leaves and ginger powder and then put the whole mixture thus made in a cup of boiling water. If you want your cold sores to simply go away in a short span of couple of days, drink this at least 2 to 3 times a day. When everything fails for you, 3 acidophilus pills twice a day in the morning and evening could work wonders and dry and clear up. When sores bother you often try taking 2 pills a day. This is not a complete list of home cold sore remedies by any means but those that most commonly provide relief. Herpes is a very serious illness. Not just that, it is also very easily transmitted, putting every person at risk. Because of this, it can wreak havoc on a person's life. People who are infected are often shunned and avoided -suffering the stigma of disease as much as the symptoms. The cause of this is fear: people who do not have the disease fear the infected. Truly, a Herpes vaccine can solve a huge amount of problems for people. Why is a vaccine needed? For one thing, herpes isn't a curable ailment. All medicines available today are used to treat the symptoms of herpes, but can't do anything to cure the illness itself. Because of this, people have to live with the reality of herpes daily. Also because of this, people know that preventing herpes is much better than attempting to cure it. When it comes to prevention, there are various tips that doctors recommend instead of giving herpes vaccine. This includes limiting your sexual activity, wearing prophylactics and maintaining a healthy immune system. However, these tips aren't 100 percent guaranteed in herpes prevention. However, a bright beam of light shines on the horizon: today, trials are being conducted on a new herpes vaccine. This vaccine will help adjust a person's immune system to cope with the threat of


Lisa Jay said...

It was the first time my granddaughter came to me and confided about her battle with oral and genital herpes and her self destructive thoughts.
A gaping vacuum of fear and love opened inside me. I knew what it felt like for her to be in such a situation. But after hearing how someone I loved so dearly struggled I have no option but to promise her help. I wanted to help in all possible ways. I sought counsels from an old and experienced nurse whom I've known to deal on natural herbs because I believed in nature. After hearing from me she smiled and before I could say another word she replied me there's cure but natural herbs. I don't care as long as my child is cured! I shouted. She told me about a doctor in Africa who has cured people of herpes. She gave me his email drutuherbalcure@gmail.com ,I contacted him immediately and then ordered medicine for my child which he sent through the UPS courier to me. My daughter started medication and the next day her mouth sores were physically healing and she told me it's working and within four weeks she testified to me that she was cured! I've always believed that nature has cure for any diseases and I'm happy to tell everyone my child is cured.
Six months later we went for another test to be sure and here is the result,
Six months after medications;
Her hsv1&2 test results;
Igm - 1.49
IgG - 0.36
She don't have any symptoms again and has moved on happily and is now in a serious relationship with her fiancee

helen said...

Before people said there is no cure for herpes virus but today many people have now believe that there is a cure,herpes virus can be cured through Africans roots and herbs, dr.ubarlo he is the one of the great herbal doctor in Africa and he has the cure on this virus last month he share his herbal medicine in some medical hospital and now he is well recognize as one of the best in Africa, you don’t have to be sad any more or share your tears any more on this virus when the cure have already be find by dr.ubarlo email him on drubarlohome@gmail.com or Whatsapp number +2348119508814

Davis said...

Herpes outbreak is a dreaded virus that oath to be treated with immediate effects. The painful sores in the oral and genital regions are so embarrassing. I wish the world could let the phamatical therapist let the cures comes instead of being diagnosed and still living with Herpes for as many years os possible making use of prevention. My experiences online let me know about the benefits of using Herbal Medicine. I felt shy to purchase from the stores, but with them i tried to and made used of different Herbal remedies all to no avail. My 4th trial with Herbal Medicine from Dr. Akpu power let me yo understand there still good people out there who still got cures for Herpes, HIV HPV diabetes and many others Dr. Akpu is now in everyone ones libs though he had refuses to be disclose and brought over here in the states because of the fear of death. I knew this up to to something true there wouldn't let the Africa comes out with the cure
I was desperate in need of the medicine, so i had to try he's as well, I got peac now since 4 months Dr. Akpu made the cure for me
Fo not be left alone, Herpes has cure
Believe me i can come out if Dr. Akpu has let me to proof more on this
Yours is next with Dr. Akpu power
Asap on