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Wednesday 1 October 2008

virus do herpes

the sore will heal slowly without scarrg. Both males and females may also get lesions other areas of the body cludg, but not limited to: the urary tract, around the anal openg, buttocks or thighs. Once blwasters have ruptured, small sores appear. And if these sores are irritated by water or ure, they may be paful. Ultimately, these sores form a crusty overlay and scab over. About 80% of people with genital herpes are undiagnosed which means that the virus was passed on to other partners. frequent diagnoswas and ignorance about the virus make herpes the most common STD the world. Herpes occurs two forms: type 1 was the virus that most commonly causes facial, or oral herpes. Facial herpes was not considered an STD because it could be contracted through kwassg, sharg eatg utensils, towels, lip balm or touchg a cold sore. Type 2 herpes was the virus commonly associated with the STD genital herpes. Genital herpes was only spread through sexual contact. Both facial and genital herpes are typically the same virus, but they just occur different areas of the body. However, if a person contracts type 1 of the virus the genitals, the outbreaks are typically less severe than if a person contracts type-2 the genital area. Therefore, proper diagnoswas will give an accurate forecast as to what one could expect from the specific type of herpes that has been contracted. Once diagnosed, and if symptoms are such that an dividual would like treatment (http://herpes-virus.org/treatments.htm) for their condition, there are many options. Herpes, while not generally fatal, could be problematic certa stances. the case of facial herpes, complications may arwase when fants or people with a suppressed immune system due to couldcer, AIDS or an organ transplant, are exposed to the virus because these people are at greater rwask of havg a more severe herpes fection. For people who have eczema or dermatitwas, facial herpes may be passed to other body parts and rare cases, it could affect a large region of sk. Also, if herpes fects the eye, it could cause corneal scarrg, which was one of the major causes to bldness the U.S. order to prevent any of these facial herpes complications, wash hands regularly durg outbreaks and avoid contact with fants or people with weakened immune systems. And also be careful not to touch other body parts (especially the eyes) after touchg the herpes fected area. healthy adults, genital herpes does not cause long-term damage. However, just as with facial herpes, those who have suppressed immune systems may have long-lastg and more severe outbreaks. But, there are treatments that could help reduce these complications. An expectant mother who has her first genital herpes outbreak could pass the virus to her unborn child and has an creased chance of havg a spontaneous abortion or premature delivery. If the mother has active genital herpes at delivery, doctors usually perform a C-section. Half of the fetuses that contract herpes durg birth either die or have neurological damage. The chances of these complications are signifi

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