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Wednesday 1 October 2008

herpes virus information

virus found in humans, causing infections of the skin and mucous membranes, but is also a little more than cause serious infections in other parts of the body. The infections of herpes viruses May cause serious disease of the immune system in the removal of individuals (HIV or cancer patients, for example). Like all members of the family of herpes virus, herpes simplex virus remains with us for life. The virus affects only humans and there is no cure. It is estimated that more than half a million new cases of the virus occur each year and only in the USA, one in five of all adolescents and adults are infected. Newborns can herpes simplex mother during childbirth. If a newborn is infected with the virus, symptoms of infection May arise during the first month after birth: irritability, breathing problems, fever, convulsions, jaundice (yellow skin), lesions on the skin, bruising and low platelet count (platelets are the blood that makes it clot). In extreme cases the babies infected with herpes simplex May from serious eye problems, a small brain, mental retardation, seizures or even death. The virus rarely spreads to the baby through the placenta from mother, but to reduce the risk of infecting newborns, a cesarean delivery (Caesarean section) is recommended for pregnant women who have an active herpes simplex infection at the time of delivery . A fascinating fact about herpes is that at least one third of children are infected with the virus by the end of childhood. For most people, diagnosis of genital herpes (Herpes simplex virus 2 or HSV2) is a shock. For others, the diagnosis can be a confirmation of suspicions they had about their own health or their partners' behavior. Seeking to answer the question of how the patient contracted the condition often leads to a search for responsibility and self-recrimination. Living with herpes is something that initially May take some psychological adjustment for some patients. It does not mean the end of your sex life or that you will need to remain unmarried for the rest of your life. First HSV1 and HSV2, better known as the virus cold sores, are just two of a group of seven that viruses are known to infect humans. Others include the varicella zoster virus, commonly known as chickenpox and shingles. Diagnosis of infection is HSV1 or 2 can be established with a blood test known as Western Blot test, upside of this test is that the patient who has no active lesions be diagnosed through May the presence of antibodies against the strain is. Accuracy of this test is only 90-95%, depending on the laboratory in question. Some cases have occurred where patients were diagnosed with either a false positive or false negatives. The more accurate diagnosis with a doctor taking precedence over a new injury, obtaining stem the base of the lesion and a laboratory increasingly a viral culture thereof. Viable extracting a stem of the lesion can be very painful for the patient. HSV2 traditionally involved in genital infections with the virus dormant in the nerve sacred at the base of the spine during periods when the patient is not damage. HSV1 traditionally infections around the mouth and nose and lies dormant in the trigeminal nerve in the neck during the active phase of the disease. Current epidemiological studies across the Western world indicate the incidence of HSV2 in the order of one to eight people, representing 12% of the population. Only one in five of them with antibodies have been diagnosed. In real terms, in a room containing forty people, five HSV2 but only one known to have. A further three of the five May had a single symptom once or twice. That would have seemed so insignificant that they thought it was a button, infected hair follicle or a boil. The last one in five is someone who has never had a symptom and May never do so. For this patient, and three other patients undiagnosed, accusations of infection (usually followed by accusations of infidelity) a partner are often against accusations and disbelief. An estimate of the global population with antibodies HSV1 and the ability to

1 comment:

helen said...

Before people said there is no cure for herpes virus but today many people have now believe that there is a cure,herpes virus can be cured through Africans roots and herbs, dr.ubarlo he is the one of the great herbal doctor in Africa and he has the cure on this virus last month he share his herbal medicine in some medical hospital and now he is well recognize as one of the best in Africa, you don’t have to be sad any more or share your tears any more on this virus when the cure have already be find by dr.ubarlo email him on drubarlohome@gmail.com or Whatsapp number +2348119508814