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Wednesday 1 October 2008

herpes simplex virus eye

cessfully by laser treatment include how a person heals from a wound or the presence of any pre-existing skin conditions, such as scleroderma, which is a thickened skin condition. If a person develops a ketoid formation from wounds, this person would not be a good candidate for laser treatments. There are other diseases, which can cause problems for recovery from laser treatment. Patients with collagen vascular diseases and immunological conditions are not eligible for laser treatment since these types of conditions affect the healing process for the skin. The presence of diabetes mellitus, impetigo or herpes will negatively affect a person's eligibility for laser treatment. Acne medication can influence the outcome of laser treatment. The use of isotretinoin, contained in the popular acne medication with the brand name Accutane, can interfere with regeneration of skin cells after laser treatment. Doctors will prefer that laser treatment candidates stop using isotretinoin from anywhere from six months to one year before receiving a laser treatment for hyperpigmentation. If a person is pregnant, the doctor will recommend waiting until the pregnancy is over before starting laser treatment. Laser treatment for hyperpigmentation has been successful for many patients, who have the eligible skin types. There is a certain amount of risk for the first four skin types including small cysts at the treatment site, reduced skin coloring, more hyperpigmentation and scarring. Like any other medical treatment, careful consideration must be made before undergoing the treatment and all risks should be weighed carefully. If a person is prepared for the risks, including permanent scarring, then that person should find a doctor with much success and experience with laser treatment for hyperpigmentation. Skin disease, which is generically known as dermatosis in the medical world, can cover all parts of the human body. Dermatosis is often thought of as one and the same as dermatitis, which refers to skin inflammation. While the two terms are related, they are not identical and have different symptoms and treatments. Most dermatoses are not contagious but inorder to fully understand and treat them, adequate research and study must be done. There are other systematic diseases that manifest their symptoms through the skin, including measles and rubella, among others, but such diseases are not classified as dermatoses. The more common examples of skin diseases are acne, athlete's foot, and eczema. Other known examples are herpes, skin cancer, psoriasis, impetigo, skin tags, sunburn, scabies, pruritis, ulcers, and fifth disease or slapped face disease. There are a number of factors that may cause skin disease. Some skin diseases are triggered by the absorption of a particular material through the skin. Others are caused by failure to use the appropriate protection gear for the skin, like gloves, aprons, overalls, and many others, and this can result in light rashes and irritation or serious poisoning. One kind of skin disease that is popular among everybody regardless of age and sex is acne vulgaris, also known simply as acne. As a skin disease, acne is caused by changes in philosebaceous units, which are basically skin structures that consist of a hair follicle and are related to the sebaceous gland. Acne can be manifested in both inflammatory and non-inflammatory forms. Pimples, spots, blemishes, and zits are just a few of the common names of acne. According to research, over 85% of teenagers experience acne, confirming reports that this kind of skin disease is most common during adolescence, with the face and back as the usual thriving area. In some cases, adolescent acne continues into adulthood, generally diminishing over time and appearing again every now and then. In this aspect, acne is said to be unpredictable, with no exact way of telling when they will disappear entirely and for good. Unlike other skin diseases, the main effects of acne are psychological, as manifested by the reduced self-esteem or self-confidence of the sufferer. That

1 comment:

Lisa Jay said...

It was the first time my granddaughter came to me and confided about her battle with oral and genital herpes and her self destructive thoughts.
A gaping vacuum of fear and love opened inside me. I knew what it felt like for her to be in such a situation. But after hearing how someone I loved so dearly struggled I have no option but to promise her help. I wanted to help in all possible ways. I sought counsels from an old and experienced nurse whom I've known to deal on natural herbs because I believed in nature. After hearing from me she smiled and before I could say another word she replied me there's cure but natural herbs. I don't care as long as my child is cured! I shouted. She told me about a doctor in Africa who has cured people of herpes. She gave me his email drutuherbalcure@gmail.com ,I contacted him immediately and then ordered medicine for my child which he sent through the UPS courier to me. My daughter started medication and the next day her mouth sores were physically healing and she told me it's working and within four weeks she testified to me that she was cured! I've always believed that nature has cure for any diseases and I'm happy to tell everyone my child is cured.
Six months later we went for another test to be sure and here is the result,
Six months after medications;
Her hsv1&2 test results;
Igm - 1.49
IgG - 0.36
She don't have any symptoms again and has moved on happily and is now in a serious relationship with her fiancee