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Wednesday 1 October 2008

herpes simplex virus concurrent with hiv

their exercise, to strengthen their immunity and to protect their immunity and to enforce it and maintain it lifelong. Then the next part of that question is that for those people who do have the signs of a weakening immunity, then they should start to actively treat it in a, maybe we’d call it a soft way, but in a daily basis with nutrients and perhaps some herbal therapies. And then they should have the information and knowledge how to either, how to modulate upward or boost up the activity of some of those medications that they’re taking during like the fall and winter when the flu season is high, and, or if there’s, if they suspect they’re getting a virus or that they have a latent virus that’s reactivating. So, one is lifestyle part of it which everybody should do which includes also awareness of the severity of and the commonality of viral illness. And, two, a general program, sort of, almost kind of a one-sized general program that might fit everyone or close to it. And then some more specific boosting or modulating or up-regulating substances that you would only take when you need them for short periods of time, so a little kind of boost or jets of energy. Kevin: And is it possible to eat your food so cleanly that you don’t need any of the extra stuff? Dr. Williams: That’s a great question. I totally anticipated this one, Kevin. [laughter] I hear this so often that people say they live the perfect. . .I mean, in their own mind they, I’m exaggerating, but as if they lived the perfect diet. Nobody lives a perfect lifestyle and the perfect diet in our world, believe me. The foods that we eat in America; you could shop at the health food store and buy organic and everything; and that’s important, that’s a huge plus, and that’s going to help you a lot, but nothing in this country is pure or safe from genetically adaptation, and even trucking the fruits and vegetables, they have to be fumigated, and so forth. So, there’s no such thing as that; that’s like living in a bubble, in a pure world. And even the places I go high in the Andes, these like Shangri-la type of places, they and other parts of the world, the living is rugged, and yes, the air is pure and clean, and the people have no disease, and etc., but it’s encroaching in on them. And it’s long, long, long ago, generations ago have encroached in on us, so our genetics have already been altered or modified. We can improve our genetic expression. We can help ourselves, in other words. But we can’t often undo the damage that our parents experienced before we were born. And so, the other thing is that if you have no immunity to infection, you’ll get infected, no matter how strong you are. In matter of fact, it will lay low the strongest of the strong, the youngest and the bravest of the brave, no one is spared when nature roars. And when viruses come in, if you don’t have the immunity to it and your immune system reacts aggressively, it’s the immune system that kills you, not the virus. So the answer is, it’s very helpful, and it will help prevent a lot of immun

1 comment:

Davis said...

Herpes outbreak is a dreaded virus that oath to be treated with immediate effects. The painful sores in the oral and genital regions are so embarrassing. I wish the world could let the phamatical therapist let the cures comes instead of being diagnosed and still living with Herpes for as many years os possible making use of prevention. My experiences online let me know about the benefits of using Herbal Medicine. I felt shy to purchase from the stores, but with them i tried to and made used of different Herbal remedies all to no avail. My 4th trial with Herbal Medicine from Dr. Akpu power let me yo understand there still good people out there who still got cures for Herpes, HIV HPV diabetes and many others Dr. Akpu is now in everyone ones libs though he had refuses to be disclose and brought over here in the states because of the fear of death. I knew this up to to something true there wouldn't let the Africa comes out with the cure
I was desperate in need of the medicine, so i had to try he's as well, I got peac now since 4 months Dr. Akpu made the cure for me
Fo not be left alone, Herpes has cure
Believe me i can come out if Dr. Akpu has let me to proof more on this
Yours is next with Dr. Akpu power
Asap on