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Wednesday 1 October 2008

muscle atrophy which cause herpes simplex virus

ask. Herpes Cure Drugs There is not a herpes cure, but precautions do work... Just using some common sense can go a long way to ensure you don't come into contact with this incurable virus. Always wear a condom. This is not infallible but will help in most cases. Also oral sex is another primary source of herpes infection. Oral infections on the inside of the mouth are occurring more and more every day. So when any oral sexual activity is being considered one must also use some form of protection as well. Again, the protection is not a cure for herpes but it greatly reduces the risk of becoming infected. Chastity is the only way to not get infected from any form of sexual intercourse. Genital Herpes still carries somewhat of a social stigma and it may not be something one freely shares with friends. The fact is that Genital Herpes is quite common with approximately one million new cases per year in the US alone. Being diagnosed with Genital Herpes can be a real shock for many. Emotions of feeling unclean, shame, and less worthy are common. The statistics show that if you are diagnosed with herpes, or if you think you may be, you have a lot of company. Take a look at these statistics: In the United States about 20% of the adult population are infected with genital herpes. Somewhere around 50 million Americans. Breaking the statistics down, the rate for women is about one in four, and for men it is one in five. Herpes is more common than all other viral sexually transmitted diseases combined. Possibly one reason herpes is spreading so quickly is that about 80% of those infected are completely unaware of having herpes. So, 80% of those 50 million Americans are unknowingly putting their partners at risk of contracting herpes. While the disease is more contagious during an outbreak, the virus can be spread when there are no symptoms present at all. After the initial episode, those infected with HSV-2 have an 80% rate of re-occurrence. Infections caused by HSV-1 have a lot lower risk of re-occurrence -about 50% will have a re-occurrence with 4-5 outbreaks per year being the average number. While Herpes does have a characteristic look, there are other conditions that have a similar appearance. If you suspect that you may have herpes, getting a proper diagnosis by a medical practitioner is the first step. Genital herpes can be a highly painful, embarrassing and even debilitating condition that effects a surprisingly large amount of the population, surprising because you may have the herpes virus and never show signs of it and never have an outbreak but you can still have it lying dormant in your body and be able to pass it on to other people. Treatments for genital herpes are often thought of as suppression medication and balms to help against the physical symptoms like sores and lesions around the genitals, mount, thighs and other places that the symptoms can show up on. This however can be misleading to many people who think that these pharmaceutical treatments are herpes cures when they are anything but! The problem with saying something is a cure for herpes is that they do not actually eliminate the herpes virus from your system, the most they can do is suppress the virus and get rid of symptoms from herpes outbreaks but this is not the same as a real cure. So the first thing to remember is that when looking for treatments for genital herpes there is no cure! ... only good management. The herpes virus is so resistant to drugs that try to eliminate it that they can mutate and become even stronger and more volatile so good management becomes paramount for those that suffer genital herpes until modern medical science can come up with a real cure. Herpes treatment until this time comes involves a regime of good diet and health that is known to keep herpes outbreaks at bay. One immediate step you can take to treat your herpes and keep it suppressed is to avoid foods that contain Arginine and to increase intakes of foods that contain Lysine as these two properties of foods have been proven to effect herpes outbreaks. Other treatme

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have a hearty yet balanced diet which is in no way deficit in vitamins A, C, E, zinc and iron, as this helps in boosting your immune system. Over and above, you must learn to do away with overtly salty and spicy foods or foods which promote acidity and drinks which may further deteriorate the sore conditions. Prevention is preferable to cure so where possible, avoid acidic and salty foods. It is best to have no or very moderate quantum of foods which are as follows: chocolates, peanuts, grains, peas, seeds, oatmeal and whole-wheat rich in arginine. Schedule your diet plan in such a way that there is no consumption of tea or coffee and your foods are all rich in vitamins. Rubbing ice over the sore area every hour for a few minutes is an effective home remedy for cold sores. Or put tea bag on the sores or a few minutes every hour. A warm tea bag compress on the blisters for about half an hour could also be another option. Applying witch hazel on sores has a miraculous relief effect. If you are in the sun, apply sunscreen to your lips as it may help prevent sun-induced recurrences of cold sores. When you mix 100ml of coconut oil, 2ml of disinfectant, and 3ml of carbolic acid you could expect fantastic results. While some people recommend this for boils and mosquito bites, for cold sores apply this 2 times daily directly on the cold sores. One of the most effective home remedies for cold sores is using tea tree oil as a drink with herbal sage and violet. Make a mixture out of these components adding a couple of sage leaves and ginger powder and then put the whole mixture thus made in a cup of boiling water. If you want your cold sores to simply go away in a short span of couple of days, drink this at least 2 to 3 times a day. When everything fails for you, 3 acidophilus pills twice a day in the morning and evening could work wonders and dry and clear up. When sores bother you often try taking 2 pills a day. This is not a complete list of home cold sore remedies by any means but those that most commonly provide relief. Herpes is a very serious illness. Not just that, it is also very easily transmitted, putting every person at risk. Because of this, it can wreak havoc on a person's life. People who are infected are often shunned and avoided -suffering the stigma of disease as much as the symptoms. The cause of this is fear: people who do not have the disease fear the infected. Truly, a Herpes vaccine can solve a huge amount of problems for people. Why is a vaccine needed? For one thing, herpes isn't a curable ailment. All medicines available today are used to treat the symptoms of herpes, but can't do anything to cure the illness itself. Because of this, people have to live with the reality of herpes daily. Also because of this, people know that preventing herpes is much better than attempting to cure it. When it comes to prevention, there are various tips that doctors recommend instead of giving herpes vaccine. This includes limiting your sexual activity, wearing prophylactics and maintaining a healthy immune system. However, these tips aren't 100 percent guaranteed in herpes prevention. However, a bright beam of light shines on the horizon: today, trials are being conducted on a new herpes vaccine. This vaccine will help adjust a person's immune system to cope with the threat of herpes. One of the problems facing the drug, however, is that it isn't effective at all on men. Only women can benefit from the herpes vaccine. This, however, can be a huge relief to both men and women, considering that herpes is most often spread through sexual contact. With a herpes vaccine for women, men with herpes no longer need fear spreading the disease. A man infected with the illness who's married to an uninfected woman can start getting his family life back. A herpes vaccine helps dispel fear. After all, fear is what makes herpes so crippling to a person's social life. With a herpes vaccine on the way, people are able to take fear out of the equation and look at herpes as just another problem with a solution. The herpes simplex virus has been aggravating the world since time immemorial. It is indeed a scourge because there is no known herpes cure. Because the virus retreats and hides in the nerves between outbreaks (it then lies dormant), your body has a very hard time dealing with it. Herpes announces itself in an outbreak of tiny blisters mainly around the genital area which later turn into open sores. After an attack the herpes virus retreats back to the nerve endings and hides, making it difficult to treat or to find a cure. A Cure For Herpes Studies We know there is no herpes cure available, there are prescription drugs that can help suppress the herpes virus and also natural creams and lotions that will kill the virus on contact The simple fact that herpes is a virus is what makes it difficult to find a herpes cure. As a rule the immune system will deal with and destroy any viruses it finds but that fact that the herpes virus retreats and hides so well in the nerves when in the dormant phase makes finding a cure for herpes a more difficult t

herpes virus pervention

in the breaking down of food. Over time, chronic stress can stimulate the overproduction of gastric juices, which break down the protective mucus and act upon the walls of the digestive tract, resulting in ulceration. Ulcers usually occur singly in round or oval lesions; the erosions are usually shallow but can penetrate the entire wall, leading to haemorrhage and possibly death. Many problems with the digestive tract, such as constipation, diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome are linked to stress. The nerves in the digestive tract receive messages from the brain in the form of hormones, which tell the intestinal muscles to expand or contract. Hormonal imbalances can cause alterations in intestinal function, such as spasms, constipation and diarrhoea. Chronic stress tends to shut down the digestive system altogether, exacerbating intestinal problems. Stress increases levels of toxicity in the body and contributes to hormonal imbalances, both of which have an effect on the skin. The visible effects of stress on the skin include:- acne, spots, skin diseases, eczema, excessive pallor and psoriasis. Headaches are one of our most common afflictions and are normally caused not by disease but by fatigue, emotional disorders or allergies. Intermittent tension headaches are caused by worry, anxiety, overwork or inadequate ventilation. The most common type, a chronic tension headache, is often caused by depression. Brain tissue itself is insensitive to pain, as is the bony covering of the brain (cranium). The stimulation of the nerves of the cranium, upper neck and the membranous linings of the brain will cause headache pain. This stimulation can be produced by inflammation, by the dilation of blood vessels of the head or by muscle spasms in the neck and head. Headaches brought on by muscle spasms are classified as tension headaches: those caused by the dilation of blood vessels are called vascular headaches. Migraine is the most common cause of vascular headache. Many things seem capable of triggering migraine attacks, including stress, fatigue, drugs and foods that contain substances that affect the blood vessels. Chronic headache may be physical symptoms of depression or other kinds of severe emotional problems. Stress has a debilitating effect on the nerves in general and certain premenstrual symptoms may be aggravated by stress. Many sufferers of PMS have abnormal levels of the adrenal hormone aldosterone, which may account for some of the problems of excessive fluid retention and weight gain, breast tenderness and abdominal bloating. Further release of aldosterone caused by stress will exacerbate these problems. Chronic stress can produce severe depression because of its debilitating psychological effects. The physiological changes produced by stress can also contribute to depression. Adrenaline and noradrenaline are not only adrenal hormones but chemical messengers in the brain. Deficiencies of noradrenaline have been linked to depression in certain individuals and so adrenal exhaustion through chronic long term stress may be a contributory factor in depressive illness. An outcome of a viral infection, cold sores can manifest themselves on the skin and the nervous system and they are also called fever blisters. Caused by herpes virus, which can lay inactive within the body and gets activated by a trigger and these are infectious. One should not confuse them with impetigo which shows up between the nose and upper lip. Areas where sores do not develop are inside the mouth, where canker sores may appear as ulcers on the soft tissues but they are not contagious. In a move to stop cold sore from spreading further, keep your hands properly washed. A drug called Acyclovir (Zovirax) helps in cutting short the time of infection. Treatment options could span over creams, ointments and even some antiviral drugs like acyclovir or famciclovir. If you have to manage accompanying pain, take paracetamol or take the help of witch hazel and apply on the sores. This local skin therapy doubles up as an effective anesthetic. It is important to

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rest to counter-balance the stress response, sufferers become prone to fatigue, concentration lapses, irritability and lethargy as the effort to sustain arousal slides into negative stress. Under persistent, chronic stress, sufferers enter the Exhaustion phase: mental, physical and emotional resources suffer heavily and the body experiences 'adrenal exhaustion', where blood sugar levels decrease as the adrenals become depleted, leading to decreased stress tolerance, progressive mental and physical exhaustion, illness and collapse. Exposure to excessive stress results in hormonal imbalances, which can produce a variety of symptoms:- Physical symptoms - changes in sleep patterns, missed heartbeats, fatigue, palpitations, changes in digestion, breathlessness, loss of sexual drive, headaches, infections, indigestion, tingling of hands and feet, aches and pains in various parts of the body, dizziness, sweating and trembling. Mental symptoms - lack of concentration, panic attacks, memory lapses, difficulty in making decisions, disorientation and confusion. Emotional symptoms - deterioration in personal hygiene and appearance, bouts of depression, impatience and irritability, fits of rage and tearfulness. Behavioural symptoms - appetite changes, eating disorders, increased intake of alcohol and other drugs, nail biting, fidgeting, restlessness, hypochondria and increased smoking. The term 'cardiovascular' refers to the heart and the body's system of blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease is probably the most serious health problem that can be linked to stress - it is the most common cause of death in the UK and the USA. The primary causes of heart disease include smoking and high fat diets but stress is a significant contributory factor. Adrenal hormones act to increase blood pressure; temporary rises in blood pressure present no threat to health but a frequent or perpetual state of high blood pressure can have a serious effect on health in the long term. High blood pressure is linked with the development of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis is the result of the development of blood plaque in the arteries, which progressively narrows the pathway through which the blood flows. Eventually an artery can become blocked, leading to angina, stroke and heart failure. Infections, viruses, harmful bacteria and cancer are stopped from harming the body by the immune system. Excessive stress can damage the immune system by affecting the thymus gland, which manufactures white blood cells for regulating immunity and also produces various immune related hormones. The stress reaction diverts resources to the main parts of the body that need to deal with stress, mainly the brain, heart and muscles. The immune system and other systems are deprived of resources. The thymus gland may shrink because of the hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands. This will also degrade the work done by the white blood cells, which will cause damage to the body's ability to fight infection. Reduced resistance to common infections, such as flu, colds and herpes is a result of high stress. Because certain types of white blood cells produced by the thymus are active in preventing the development of cancer cells in the body, any damage to the thymus may effect the bod's ability to resist cancer. Asthma is a respiratory disorder marked by the temporary constriction of the bronchi, the airways branching from the trachea to the lungs. Attacks are usually brought on by allergic reactions to antigens, such as grass and tree pollen, mould spores, fungi and certain foods but also may be caused by chemical irritants in the atmosphere or by infections of the respiratory tract. Susceptibility to an asthma attack is based on hyperactivity of the bronchial muscles, which constrict on exposure to one or any of these agents. Chronic stress reduces the efficiency of the adrenal glands, reducing the output of anti inflammatory and anti allergic adrenal hormones, which may make an asthma attack more likely. Diabetes is caused by the inability of the body to metabolise sugar correctly, leading to excessively high levels of sugar in the blood. Sugar metabolism is the responsibility of the hormone insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. Most diabetics can produce insulin but various factors limit the hormone's efficiency, known as 'insulin sensitivity'. The release of adrenal hormones under stress can have a significant impact on blood sugar levels. Adrenaline causes sugar in the liver to be put into the blood stream and cortisol acts to reduce the metabolism of glucose by cells. Large amounts of cortisol act to decrease insulin sensitivity. High blood sugar levels are not dangerous in normally healthy individuals but chronic stress, combined with other factors such as obesity, act to increase the likelihood of developing diabetes. Ulcers are frequently associated with stress, although no conclusive link has yet been demonstrated. Normally the lining of the stomach is covered with a layer of mucus to protect it from the digestive acids and enzymes used

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for many things and they can also help to cure cold sores. Two herbs that are widely used for this are sage and peppermint. Simply add a drop or two of the extracts and allow the anti-viral effect of these herbs to do the rest. Echinacea is also a wonderful boost to the immune system and is something I used whenever I feel myself coming down with anything. It always helps me to get over whatever it is rather quickly. These are just a few ways to help you cure cold sores but hopefully they can help you get rid of any that you have a little quicker than you would have otherwise. Fever blisters, another name give to cold sores are small, fluid-filled blisters that crop up on or near the lips. They can appear in clusters or individually. That is a question that most parents ask, especially when they think that their child has been exposed to a person with cold sores. The answer to this question is yes, children can get cold sores. Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex virus, which is passed from person to person through direct skin-to-skin contact.Cold sores are caused by the Herpesviridae (Herpes simplex virus ) which are a large family of DNA Viruses that cause diseases in humans and animals Herpes infections are marked by painful, watery blisters in the skin or mucous membranes (such as the mouth or lips) or on the genitals. Sometimes the virus can also be passed by sharing utensils, razors, or other person hygiene items. Any person can contract this virus regardless of age, so it is important to monitor your child to be sure they they don't come in direct contact with someone that has a cold sore. One of the most common ways for a child to contract the cold sore virus is by sharing toys and utensils with other children that carry the virus. If you have younger children, be careful about letting them put dirty toys in their mouth-- especially if other kids have placed the same toy in their mouth. Also, teach your children about not sharing utensils or drinks. Many kids don't think that it is a big deal to pass their soda on to their friend to share, but the virus may be contracted. Teach them about cleanliness and good hygiene practices, and help them understand that they should not touch their friend's mouth if they have a cold sore. It is difficult to keep every child away from the cold sore virus, so the best thing that you can do as a parent is to be proactive. Unfortunately many people contract the Herpes virus at some point in their life, and if you child has a cold sore it is a good idea to teach them about how to treat a cold sore so that it will heal quickly. There is treatment is available for herpes, there is no cure. Prevention of neonatal herpes is very challenging. Preventing infection in the parents can help reduce the newborn's risk of infection. Although there may be a vaccine on the way, more research is still needed. Any drug use, especially in babies or young children, needs to be undertaken only with the careful advice, prescription, and follow-up of a physician. This and other medical issues need to be discussed with your baby's physician. In the future, we may be able to further protect the infant with vaccines for the mother, the infant, or both, and treat them with more potent medications. An infection in a child is usually caused by the spread of his or her parent. So, be careful with the help of this perfect guid - Fast Cold Sores Treatment How the body reacts to prolong stress is described by Dr Hans Selye in terms of the General Adaptation Syndrome. Selye divides the stress response into three phases: Alarm Response, Adaptation and Exhaustion. The Alarm Response is the fight or flight response that prepares the body for immediate action. If the source of stress persists, then the body prepares for long term protection through the secretion of further hormones that increase blood sugar levels to sustain energy and raise blood pressure. This Adaptation phase, resulting from exposure to prolonged periods of stress, is common and not necessarily harmful but without periods of relaxation and

herpes virus affecting the head and eyes

r teeth. Aside from having not-so-pretty hands, you could also have cracked and broken front teeth. This is not a sight to behold, especially in front of romantic mates. 3. Inability To Make Use of Hands Let's face it if your hand is always on your mouth, it would be difficult for you to perform tasks properly. In extreme cases, nail biting can really prevent a person from performing even mundane and ordinary tasks given to them. 4. Nail Infections Nail biting can cause your nails and nail beds to weaken. Bacteria and fungi could enter these small cracks and lesions on your nails made by your persistent biting. Although some types of nail infections are easy to manage, others like nail fungus can be very hard to get rid of. Eczema, often called dermatitis (inflamed skin), affects people of all age groups and race equally, but is most common among infants and young adults. An estimated 10% of all people are, at some time, affected by eczema. Eczema is a skin condition that can appear on any area of your body, but it most frequently appears on your face, wrists, elbows, and knees. It can cause your skin to become itchy, red, dry, cracked, blistery, and leathery. You can develop yellowish to light brown crust or pus-filled blisters over existing patches of eczema. This may indicate that you have a bacterial infection. If you develop numerous small, fluid-filled blisters, you may have eczema herpeticum. This is a rare but potentially serious complication caused by the herpes simplex virus. Eczema is not contagious. There is no known cause for eczema but it is activated by your immune system. Eczema is related to but not the same as an allergic reaction. Eczema sufferers are at risk of developing other allergic conditions. There are many triggers that can cause your eczema to inflame. Some of the triggers are clothing, blankets, soap, latex, nickel, heat, fabric softeners, washing powder, lotions, sweat, formaldehyde, dry skin, and even stress. Finding a way to cure cold sores is top priority if you are someone that suffers from them. They are painful and at times unsightly making you wish they were gone the instant they appeared. Many will refer to them as cold sores but they are actually caused by herpes simplex virus and will show up around the lips, eyes and genitals. The worse part is that they can cause some pain, uneasiness and some inflammation making them that much more annoying. 1. There are a few tips to cure cold sores that can help speed the process along. Since they are caused by a virus there is of course no way to cure them instantly but you can help to get rid of them quicker than if you did nothing at all. A very important thing to remember is to keep the sores clean and dry; avoiding covering them with any kind of makeup as may worsen the irritation. 2. To accelerate the healing process and to avoid any bleeding, spreading or cracking you can dampen the area with petroleum gel. If the affected area is around your lip you can add some lip balm that has SPF so that you can avoid irritation to the blisters. Numerous cases of cold sore infections are actually due to excessive exposure to bright sunlight. 3. Tea has long been referred to as one of the natural healers and that is also the case for your cold sore. A dampened tea bag placed over the affected region can help to east the pain and uneasiness and to reduce inflammation. Tannins that are found in tea are actually anti-viral which is why they can help you cure cold sores more quickly than if just left alone. 4. Foods that are rich in lysine are a wondering thing to eat when you have any type of cold sore as lysine is known for its ability to help the body fight infection. Lysine also works to prevent the virus from further replicating itself. Two foods that are rich in lysine are potatoes and dairy products. Avoid foods that have citrus and arginine as much as possible. These foods would include chocolates, whole grains and peanuts. Vitamin C is a way to help your body heal itself and so consuming foods high in it is another great idea. 5. Herbs are used

herpes simplex virus difference

is why there are hundreds of products - from medical to alternative - these days that claim to have the power to cure acne. Caution must be exercised in choosing treatments. Athlete's foot, also known as Tinea Pedis and refers to the disease and not the organism, is another kind of skin disease, one that is a parasitic fungal infection that occurs in the epidermis of the human foot and is more common in males than in females. Many dermatophytes or fungi can cause athlete's foot, one of which is the fungi species tinea curis or jock itch. This skin disease usually affects the spaces between the toes, but can also appear in extensive patterns on the bottom and sides of the foot in severe cases. Eczema is a skin disease that is characterized by the inflammation of the upper layers of the skin and includes dryness and stubborn rashes that may be swollen, red, itchy, flaky, oozy, and even bleeding. While scarring is rare, a sufferer of eczema can have temporary skin discoloration from healed lesions. Children may develop nasty habits such as thumb sucking, hair twirling, teeth grinding, nose picking, object biting, compulsive scratching, head banging, self-biting, body rocking, whirling, skin picking and even nail biting. For many, these habit disorders can be outgrown, with the help of parents, teachers or guardians, or even through their own will. There are a few, however, who seem to keep such habits, voluntarily or involuntarily, even during the adult years. One of the most common habit disorder in adults is nail biting. A person who has this problem usually bites or chews on his or her fingernails whenever they are bored, stressed, anxious, or in a very tense environment. According to statistics, nail biting is fairly common in children and adolescents. However, 5% of them may retain the habit throughout adulthood. Possible Causes Of Nail Biting There are many schools of thoughts when it comes to the underlying causes of stereotypic movement disorder, which includes nail biting. Some experts believe that the most common triggers are stress, depression and boredom. Other probable reasons behind nail biting and other habit disorders include drug use (particularly amphetamines and cocaine), major psychiatric disorders, brain diseases, mental retardation, and sensory deprivation (such as deafness or blindness). In Freudian theory, nail biting is seen as a sign of oral fixation. Nail Biting Symptoms It is but normal for children to display some degree of nail biting, thumb sucking and other disorders. Everyone did some nose picking and hair twirling during childhood years. However, when a habit becomes persistent and extreme, parents, friends and family should start intervening. Aside from having very short fingernails, other signs that may suggest that one is into nail biting include: 1. Oral herpes 2. Paronychia (nail infection that affects soft tissues surrounding the nails) 3. Herpetic whitlos (lesions on fingers or thumb due to herpes simplex virus) 4. Apical root resorption 5. Damaged dentition 6. Gingivitis 7. Fractures or cracks to incisors 8. Warts around the nail bed 9. Nail fungus Side-effects Of Nail Biting Aside from embarrassment that you get from nail biting and having not-so pretty nails and fingers, there are a lot more negative, and potentially dangerous, side effects to biting your nails incessantly. 1. Mouth Infections People who bite their nails usually do not wash their hands before biting. Thus, there is a high probability of getting bacteria and other harmful microbes inside the mount. Acute or chronic infection to the mouth, lips or gums is very likely to happen. Did you know that there are about 2,000 types of skin infections that were discovered in nail salons? Just imagine how prone you are to bacteria and diseases because of this habit disorder. 2. Orthodontic Problems Nails are hard and quite difficult to chew. If you get into the habit of biting your nails, it is not impossible for you to damage your teeth, particularly your incisors. This habit may even affect your bite and the appearance of you

herpes simplex virus eye

cessfully by laser treatment include how a person heals from a wound or the presence of any pre-existing skin conditions, such as scleroderma, which is a thickened skin condition. If a person develops a ketoid formation from wounds, this person would not be a good candidate for laser treatments. There are other diseases, which can cause problems for recovery from laser treatment. Patients with collagen vascular diseases and immunological conditions are not eligible for laser treatment since these types of conditions affect the healing process for the skin. The presence of diabetes mellitus, impetigo or herpes will negatively affect a person's eligibility for laser treatment. Acne medication can influence the outcome of laser treatment. The use of isotretinoin, contained in the popular acne medication with the brand name Accutane, can interfere with regeneration of skin cells after laser treatment. Doctors will prefer that laser treatment candidates stop using isotretinoin from anywhere from six months to one year before receiving a laser treatment for hyperpigmentation. If a person is pregnant, the doctor will recommend waiting until the pregnancy is over before starting laser treatment. Laser treatment for hyperpigmentation has been successful for many patients, who have the eligible skin types. There is a certain amount of risk for the first four skin types including small cysts at the treatment site, reduced skin coloring, more hyperpigmentation and scarring. Like any other medical treatment, careful consideration must be made before undergoing the treatment and all risks should be weighed carefully. If a person is prepared for the risks, including permanent scarring, then that person should find a doctor with much success and experience with laser treatment for hyperpigmentation. Skin disease, which is generically known as dermatosis in the medical world, can cover all parts of the human body. Dermatosis is often thought of as one and the same as dermatitis, which refers to skin inflammation. While the two terms are related, they are not identical and have different symptoms and treatments. Most dermatoses are not contagious but inorder to fully understand and treat them, adequate research and study must be done. There are other systematic diseases that manifest their symptoms through the skin, including measles and rubella, among others, but such diseases are not classified as dermatoses. The more common examples of skin diseases are acne, athlete's foot, and eczema. Other known examples are herpes, skin cancer, psoriasis, impetigo, skin tags, sunburn, scabies, pruritis, ulcers, and fifth disease or slapped face disease. There are a number of factors that may cause skin disease. Some skin diseases are triggered by the absorption of a particular material through the skin. Others are caused by failure to use the appropriate protection gear for the skin, like gloves, aprons, overalls, and many others, and this can result in light rashes and irritation or serious poisoning. One kind of skin disease that is popular among everybody regardless of age and sex is acne vulgaris, also known simply as acne. As a skin disease, acne is caused by changes in philosebaceous units, which are basically skin structures that consist of a hair follicle and are related to the sebaceous gland. Acne can be manifested in both inflammatory and non-inflammatory forms. Pimples, spots, blemishes, and zits are just a few of the common names of acne. According to research, over 85% of teenagers experience acne, confirming reports that this kind of skin disease is most common during adolescence, with the face and back as the usual thriving area. In some cases, adolescent acne continues into adulthood, generally diminishing over time and appearing again every now and then. In this aspect, acne is said to be unpredictable, with no exact way of telling when they will disappear entirely and for good. Unlike other skin diseases, the main effects of acne are psychological, as manifested by the reduced self-esteem or self-confidence of the sufferer. That

herpes simplex virus 1 and 2

irus is transmitted through intimate contact with an infected person. In most cases, sexual contact with an infected person is what led to the contraction of the virus. This type of herpes is a highly infectious disease. There is widespread throughout the world, and the main cause of this phenomenon is because it is highly contagious. The infection, as we mentioned individuals who have no idea they have the virus in their bodies, because of the state of latency this virus can live It occurs primarily during sexual intercourse. Many people are infected and their spread, which is why you should all be very cautious and careful with people around you, you must pay attention to you and kiss you know how well that person. Genital herpes causes blisters, which are essentially open sores in the genital areas of women and men. The result of treatment does not cure the infection, but control it. According to recent studies, more than one million people are infected with this terrible virus each year. These statistics should frighten us, because the rate of spread is high. Infection rates are generally higher among the least educated, the poor and among individuals of drugs. Also people who have many sexual partners during their lives are exposed to genital herpes high risk of contamination. Most people who are infected do not recognize the symptoms, or even abroad, they do not suffer symptoms contained therein forever. "Fever blisters" as people use to call genital herpes, can also be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person by kissing. It is another way genital herpes can be transmitted and it is through sexual contact. In this case, injuries resulting from infection look roughly the same as those in the genital area. Such cases are rare, but they exist. You should also be aware that if a contact is established at the skin between an infected person and good health could lead to contamination of the latter. There are a lot of people wearing these viruses, and they spread the disease. Many of them do not even know they have such an infection in their bodies. Those who have symptoms, often fail to recognize them, even if though present, they are painful and they can not be ignored, on the contrary, they should be an alarm. That is why we warn you that people still pay attention to other people around you. You can put your name terrible diseases such as genital herpes. Laser resurfacing as a treatment for hyperpigmentation is providing successful results for many people. The laser treatment can be uncomfortable for people with a two-week recovery period after the treatment. Despite the pain of recovery, laser therapy is gaining popularity for treating hyperpigmentation. Not all skin types are suitable for laser resurfacing for the treatment of hyperpigmentation. There are six skin types, according to the Fitzpatrick skin classification system. These skin types range from very fair skin to very dark skin. It is not just coloring that determines a person's skin type. The different skin types are categorized according to the person's coloring and their reaction to sun exposure. The degree to which a person burns is an important consideration to determining skin type. Of the six skin type categories, only the first four skin types are suitable for laser treatment for hyperpigmentation. The person with very fair skin who never tans and always burns has the first skin type. The second skin type is fair skin that will sometimes tan but mostly burns. The third skin type is medium in color and always tans with occasional sunburn episodes. The fourth category is olive skin, which tans and rarely burns. The two skin types that do not have such successful results from laser treatment are the fifth and sixth skin type. The fifth skin type has brown skin, which always tans and does not burn. The sixth skin type has black skin that always tans and does not burn. Unwanted changes to skin color can occur if these two skin types receive laser treatment. Other factors that may pre-determine the suitability of a person to be treated suc

herpes simplex virus and meningitis

If your body is already too acidic, this can slow the healing process. * To help flush out toxins, drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of filtered water every day. * Eliminate processed foods such as sodas, alcohol, refined carbohydrates, caffeine and sugar. * Eliminate fish or meat of any kind during an outbreak, as the consumption of animal protein increases the body's acidity, which slows the healing process. If you are suffering from tongue sores or a cold sore scab you may want to start taking the following supplements: * Garlic * L-Lysine * Vitamin B-complex * Topical grapefruit-seed extract and tea tree oil * Echinacea * Goldenseal * Zinc lozenges A herpes outbreak is an excellent time to consider a detoxification program, as the virus is not being contained in the nervous system, and is a sign that the body is already in a process of detoxing. Please keep in mind that the herpes virus is extremely contagious. You may be at risk of contracting the herpes virus simply by drinking from the same glass as someone who has a cold sore scab, even if that glass was washed after use. Stress and allergies or too acidic a body are probably the most common cause of tongue sores or fever blisters. Consult a health care practitioner if you have either tongue sores or fever blisters that do not heal on their own after two weeks time. The symptoms of genital herpes will vary from person to person. Some people have severe symptoms, such as many painful sores, while others have very mild symptoms. An initial outbreak of herpes usually displays symptoms within a couple of weeks after having sexual contact with a person that is infected. The symptoms can last for a few weeks. The earliest symptoms are usually a combination of the following, an itching or burning sensation in the genital area, symptoms that mock the flu, including a fever, swollen glands, pain that can be felt in either the legs, buttocks or the genital area, or a combination of those places, a vaginal discharge in women, and also a feeling of pressure just below the stomach area. Within a few days of those early symptoms, the person will usually develop sores or lesions. They will appear wherever the virus entered the body such as on the mouth, penis, or vagina. Sometimes the sores will show up on the cervix of a woman or where the urine passes on a man. The lesions look like small red bumps that then turn into blisters or painful open sores. Within a few days the sores will get crusty and eventually heal without scarring. Some people may have no symptoms but they can still spread herpes - learn more about genital herpes! Sometimes only very mild sores appear. If you have HIV, a genital herpes infection can be worse. If you have herpes, do not have any sexual activity with someone who does not have herpes when you have sores or other symptoms of herpes. Even if you don't have symptoms, you can still pass the virus to others. If you suspect that you might have herpes then see your doctor right away. If you are having an outbreak then the doctor can usually tell by looking at the sores if it is herpes or not. He will likely take a sample from the sore and send it to the lab. It is harder to detect herpes if you are not having an outbreak but blood tests will detect herpes in people that are not currently showing visible symptoms. eDrugstore.MD is a leading U.S. online pharmacy with over eight years of experience offering FDA-Approved online prescriptions, at the lowest prices available on the internet. Buy Valtrex online at eDrugstore.MD and learn about the benefits associated with buying prescription medications online. Visit the sexual health knowledge base at eDrugstore.md to learn more about herpes and other sexual health products. This condition is a common infection. Genital herpes has an effect on men and on women, and it is determined in most cases by the hepex simplex virus. This family of viruses is an important element. It can remain in a state of latency, because it produces a persistent infection. The human body is the sole producer of virus. This type of v

herpes simplex 1 virus

is rapidly apparent that something is wrong. This article explores the most common symptoms of a herpes infection. You may not realize that you have herpes until the first outbreak occurs. This could be immediately after infection or it could be months later. This depends greatly on your immune system. The first herpes outbreak is always the worst. After the first one, you may be symptom-free for years, or you may experience outbreak after outbreak, every few weeks. Most people are somewhere in between, but nearly all report that herpes infections do slow down as the years pass. Genital sores are the most obvious of the symptoms of a herpes infection. They begin as small blisters in the genital area, although they may spread to thighs and buttocks. These multiply rapidly for a day or two and then pop, leaving open sores. These sores weep a liquid which carries the herpes virus and is highly contagious. Contact should be avoided when the open lesions are apparent. It can take up to four weeks for the first round of blisters to heal. Subsequent outbreaks should clear up faster, but this is not always the case, particularly in anyone with a compromised immune system. Other common symptoms of a herpes infection include swollen lymph nodes, usually in the genital area. These can be checked by feeling the join between the thighs and the pelvis. If you feel swollen bumps there, those are your lymph nodes fighting the infection. Flu-like symptoms may accompany a herpes outbreak and can be included in the list of symptoms of a herpes infection. During the first herpes outbreak, you may run a fever and experience pain in the genital area. Women may have trouble urinating or painful urination and pelvic pain. The symptoms vary between genders and may also vary from outbreak to outbreak, generally becoming less and less intense. The symptoms of a herpes infection may differ slightly from person to person, but it should be evident by the lesions or ulcers in the genital area that it is indeed herpes. If you know what the symptoms of a herpes infection are, you will be able to treat it early on and possibly avoid a painful outbreak. Dahil fection sa HSV-1 (Herpes simplex virus -1) ay karaniwang nangyayari unang bahagi ng buhay sa pamamagitan ng asymptomatic fection ng bibig at lalamunan, ito ay nangangahulugan na ang isang mataas na bahagi ng populasyon ay carryg ang virus nito latent form. 1 Herpes simplex virus at 2 ay katulad na sila ay sabay-sabay na-transmit sa pamamagitan ng direktang makipag-ugnayan at paminsan-minsan ay maaaring maging sanhi ng binat paful likido-puno blwasters, contag milyon-milyong mga fectious viral particles. Upang makamit isang itial fection ang followg kondisyon dapat apply: buni simplex transportasyon demands katawan fluids (laway, semen, likido ang genital polyeto ng kababaihan) o ng isang likido, buni sores. Ang juries ng mga dalawang uri ng buni ay maaaring kumalat sa pamamagitan ng makipag-ugnayan sa parehong bahagi ng katawan kaagad pagkatapos ng isang touchg buni sugat. Isang karamihan ng mga

herpes 2 virus

lp relieve the pain of the sores such as Neosporin (R) and many cold sore ointments to help alleviate outbreaks more quickly. During an outbreak, you should avoid citrus foods, salty foods, or other foods that can irritate the cold sores. Keep the sores clean and covered with pain-relieving ointment. Apply ointment at night before bedtime to allow time for healing as you sleep. Also, avoid touching or squeezing the sores, and wash your hands frequently to keep the sores from spreading. Besides taking vitamins and supplements for immune system strength, be sure to exercise and eat a healthy diet to keep your immune system healthy. Get plenty of sleep, and drink lots of water. Avoid excess sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. Also, avoid getting too much sun, especially on the face. Apply sunscreen to your facial skin and even on the lips if possible. Natural supplements to help lessen and/or prevent cold sore outbreaks are readily available online. You no longer have to suffer and go around worrying about your next possible herpes outbreak. With a stronger immune system, your body will be well equipped to keep your herpes cold sores at bay! A reference to herpes is usually a reference to infection with genital herpes. Although there are different variations of the herpes virus, 'and by far most common is herpes simplex. Herpes simplex, HSV in other words, exists in two strains: herpes simplex 1 and 2. Herpes simplex 1 is usually responsible for cases of oral herpes, although in rare cases, herpes simplex 1 affects the genital area. Herpes simplex 2 is generally responsible in case of genital herpes, although herpes simplex 2 may, in rare cases, cause infection by oral herpes. The herpes virus is exceptional, probably exceeded only by the commonness virus causing a typical cold. It is estimated that eighty to ninety percent of all adults are infected with herpes simplex 1. Herpes simplex 2 is much less common, but still quite common with an infection rate of about twenty percent of all adults. Not all cases of herpes are symptomatic. In herpes simplex 2 cases, up to ninety percent of those infected are unaware of their status, or because the symptoms are not present or are not sufficiently unique to be recognized. When herpes infection not show symptoms, the symptoms are usually an outbreak of blisters or lesions. Herpes is a transmissible, especially during an outbreak of symptoms. Once upon a time herpes believes that transmission could only happen if an outbreak symptoms occur, but now the evidence shows that the herpes virus may be on the surface of the skin and can therefore be transmitted, even in the absence of visible signs of an epidemic are present. The phenomenon of the herpes virus on the skin surface in the absence of a visible outbreak is known as asymptomatic shedding. When herpes is transmitted, the path to infection of the skin-skin contact. Kissing, relationships, and other forms of intimate physical contact are the standard methods of transmission of herpes. Secondary objects, like a toilet seat or another public resource, are not the means of transmitting herpes infection. Herpes is transmitted when people have the intimate physical contact, usually while an outbreak is underway. Herpes infections can definitely be a nuisance and can be physically uncomfortable as well, but a herpes is not considered a serious threat to health. A person's general health is not compromised by herpes infection. The only exceptions to this rule are herpes infections in infants - usually infants are infected with herpes, genital herpes from an infected mother - and herpes infections in people with severely compromised immune systems. A trait of any cases of herpes is a symptom of consistency. When herpes symptoms occur, they remain in the region of the body where the infection took place initially, and do not move. Many people infected with herpes never even realize it. They don’t recognize the symptoms of a herpes infection, or they may not even experience any symptoms at all. However, for those who do have painful outbreaks, it

herbs for herpes virus

even more pain. Swelling of groin lymph nodes is another common herpes symptom in women, as is burning during urination. As if the lesions weren’t bad enough, these two extra symptoms add to the discomfort, particularly during the first episode. Some women experience further complications leading to meningitis which affects the brain. Because a woman can experience lesions that are completely hidden from sight, within her vagina, it is quite common for herpes symptoms in women to be misdiagnosed. The herpes symptoms in women that are very different from the common symptoms found in men include pain in the pelvis and painful urination. These symptoms are all too often diagnosed as a yeast or bladder infection and the woman may be given antibiotics that do nothing against the herpes virus. Herpes symptoms in women differ from those in men. Common herpes symptoms in women include pain on urination, pelvic pain, lesions or blisters on the genital area, inside the vagina and even the cervix as well as possible outbreaks on the buttocks and surrounding area. The disease can be much more severe in women, as well. If you've ever had a cold sore, then you understand how painful and embarrassing these can be. Cold sores aren't pretty. They usually show up just around the edges of the lips and can last for days or even weeks if left untreated. If you suffer from cold sores often, here are some helpful facts about cold sores and some easy ways to treat them. What Causes Cold Sores? The herpes simplex virus, or herpes virus 1, is the primary cause of cold sores. Herpes virus 1 is easily contracted and is present in about 90 percent of adults. Though many people suffer from frequent cold sores, some with the virus do not have outbreaks. Once infected with herpes virus 1, the virus remains in the body for life. Herpes may be dormant in the body for a while and then suddenly become active and cause outbreaks of cold sores. The herpes virus 1 is very contagious and can be acquired through infected items such as eating utensils, a toothbrush, razors, dishes, towels, etc. It can also be sexually transmitted, even through kissing. Cold sore outbreaks can be triggered by a number of factors: emotional stress, illness, fever, pregnancy, chapped lips, menstruation, excessive sunlight exposure, immune system deficiencies, or other causes. Cold Sore Treatments One of the most effective ways to treat cold sores for the long term is to help prevent frequent outbreaks through vitamins and supplements. There are many natural supplements on the market today to strengthen your immune system, such as ImmunaSure, a natural multivitamin that was co-created by Dr. John Sherman. Multivitamins for herpes treatment often have a blend of several natural ingredients and herbs to help give the immune system a boost. A healthy immune system will help to fight the virus and prevent outbreaks. Even if an outbreak occurs, the severity may be lessened simply by keeping your immune system strong. Once an outbreak of cold sores occurs, there are also products to he

cure for herpes virus

he virus. The disease, called acute HIV syndrome, May include fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and enlarged lymph nodes (organs of the immune system that can be felt in the neck, armpits and groin). These symptoms usually disappear in a week to one month and are often confused with another viral infection. Neurological and psychiatric participation: HIV infection May lead to a variety of neuropsychiatric sequelae, either by an infection now sensitive nervous system by agencies, or as a direct consequence of the disease itself. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the unicellular parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, it usually infects the brain causing toxoplasma encephalitis, but it can infect and cause disease in the eyes and lungs Risk Factors Have unprotected sex with multiple partners. You're at risk if you are heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. Unprotected sex means having sex without using a new latex or polyurethane each time. Have unprotected sex with someone who is HIV-positive. If you have another sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea or bacterial vaginosis. Low Status of Women: Infection rates were increasing among women and children in some states. As in many other countries, unequal power relations and the low status of women, as expressed by limited access to human resources, finance and economic weakens the ability of women to protect themselves and negotiate safer sex, which increases vulnerability. Many of these risk factors are behavioral in nature. In other words, avoiding high-risk behaviors, you can reduce or virtually eliminate the risk of HIV / AIDS. Learn the risk factors. If necessary, change your behavior. While herpes affects both men and women, the herpes symptoms in women are often different than those found in men. It is important to know what you are looking for, as the common herpes symptoms can be different in the different genders. This article focuses specifically on herpes symptoms in women. Since men and women are obviously built differently, it is only natural that diseases will affect them differently, particularly those that affect the genital area. Women are four times more likely to contract herpes than men, simply because of their physical makeup. The changes in hormones during the menstrual cycle can also make a woman more susceptible to this particular STD. The disease may progress differently in women as well. For anyone contracting herpes, the first outbreak is the worst. However, herpes symptoms in women can be far more extreme, particularly during that first outbreak. Since a woman has more mucus membrane in the genital area than a man, she can suffer a wider range of lesions over a greater area. This in turn causes more pain and discomfort. During the first herpes outbreak, women are also more contagious than men. They can experience blisters not only in the genital region, but also on skin that is nearby, such as the buttocks. The result of this expansion of the disease means that it is even more infectious and causes

equine herpes virus 2

sy and affects relationships. Let us find out about how to prevent it. Genital Herpes- how does it spread? The herpes virus lies dormant in those who have got it. Suppose you have unprotected sex with somebody who is in dormant state, you may still get it. If you have sex - protected or unprotected with any body that has active sores of genital herpes, you may get it. Sometimes those who have contacted herpes may not be aware of that. That complicates the situation because they will unknowingly pass on the virus to you. Let us find out about what you can do? Genital Herpes-protect yourself To protect yourself from genital herpes you should avoid multiple partners. There is no way you can guarantee that one of your many partners is not having genital herpes. Have monogamous relationship. If you have a new partner, try to find out if she/he has had any symptoms of genital herpes. This may sound difficult, but there are no easy options. Use latex condoms. Avoid oral sex because that is always unprotected. Herpes never leaves you once you get it. Please protect yourself. To learn more about Genital herpes Simplex, please click here- http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ds/herpessimplex/ This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article. The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free , please visit- http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ . You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails. This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself looking good find out more about the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection has now spread to all countries in the world and has infected more than 40 million people worldwide at the end of 2003. More than 1.1 million people in the USA have been infected with HIV. The scourge of HIV has been particularly devastating in Sub-Saharan Africa. The proportion of women among those adults who are infected with HIV is increasing. HIV is present in the blood and genital secretions of virtually all people infected with HIV, regardless of whether or not they have symptoms. The spread of HIV can occur when these secretions come into contact with tissues such as those lining the vagina, anal region, mouth or eyes (mucous membranes), or with a break in the skin, like a break or perforation by a needle. What are the early symptoms of HIV infection? Many people do not develop symptoms when they first become infected with HIV. Some people, however, get a flu syndrome within three to six weeks after exposure to t

types of herpes virus

May be effectively treated with antiviral drugs. As indicated above, each virus has its ideal home environment. For patients infected with HSV1 on the genitals, it means infections are generally less virulent and, in some cases May that never happen again once or twice in their lives. For patients infected with the HSV2 on the genitals, the incidence of recurrence can vary widely. Recurrence are linked to the health of the immune system. May Triggers include stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, sunburn and some women, their menstrual cycle. During the first year of infection, the number of recurrences May range from one to twelve, with an average of four to five. Over the years, the immune system responds better, the patient learns what will trigger a repetition and generally tries to avoid it. Eventually, most patients can be as little as one to two rehearsals a year. Also, the patient learns to better recognize the symptoms of an impending relapse, they are able to administer antiviral drugs sooner. This can reduce the length and duration of the attack, and perhaps prevent injuries altogether. It is important for the patient to remember that despite avoiding a repetition, they are still shedding the virus and they are still potentially infectious to their partners. Maintenance doses of antivirals May be taken daily to reduce the number of recurrences. Up to 50% of these patients on therapy to a lack of recurrence in a period of 12 months. When this treatment is interrupted, patients almost certainly experience a recurrence within three weeks. This is usually followed by a reduction in the annual number of recurrences. There is a small number of patients who demanded the continuation of this treatment with antiviral drugs continuously since they first became available, more than 15 years earlier in the forms. As reduce recidivism in the frequency and severity, most patients eventually overcome their diagnosis. For some, this is never the case, the sexual health report that doctors should refer between 10-20% of their patients for more psychological counselling. This is despite the fact that they have much experience with the disease counselling needed for this diagnosis. What is important, regardless of the many patients seem to cope with the initial diagnosis, is to ensure access to information. This can be obtained easily and anonymously www.herpes.com, www.herpeshelp.com or www.genitalherpes.com these sites contain updates of facts and links to other sites. These provide names and contact details of support groups, local clinics and specialists in sexual health. Although HSV2 is a lifelong infection, with the right management and care, it is not necessarily symptomatic and should not prevent the patient to enjoy love and long-lasting, secure relationship. Genital herpes is one of the most contagious diseases. It is a STD- Sexually Transmitted Disease. Any sexual encounter with an affected person can get you genital herpes. Genital herpes flare-ups are quite painful and this disease takes a big toll on the psycholog

herpes virus metabolism

infect others is around 90%. Of these, approximately 45% are symptomatic. If you have been diagnosed with the infection is, it is very possible that you contract someone who has no idea that they have themselves. People have received messages on safe sex and modify some of their practices, arguing that only penetrative sex requires safe sex. Some specialists in sexual health now report that half of new diagnoses HSV in clinics have been confirmed as microbiologically HSV1 on the genitals, in the community, it is now estimated that 20% of all herpes infections in the genitals are in fact HSV1. On the plus side for the patient infected when the virus HSV does not live in his home environment ideal (ie infection HSV1 genitals, infection oral HSV2 ) Infections have been documented to be generally less severe and occur less frequently. Another mistake many patients, is assuming that they are not contagious during a dormant or asymptomatic phase of their illness. Studies have shown that even when a couple who are clinically discordant (ie is a positive and the other is negative) to use what is known as the gold standard of treatment to reduce risks to partners, the rate of transmission in a period of 12 months is still 10%. The management of the fight against infection involves the use of condoms during all sexual encounters and complete abstinence from sex during the symptomatic phase positive partner. Interestingly, experts sexual health report that if a partner has remained negative for 10 years in a clinical discordant partnership, it is very unlikely that they contracted the disease after that date. It is speculated that they have some immunity / protection either natural or acquired that science has not yet been able to identify. A true primary infection HSV2 can last up to ten days, it is a systemic response, where all the glands in the body are swollen, as if the patient has the flu, and the obvious genital burning sensation, itching, pain with urination or complete inability to urinate. Many patients are they having a primary infection, but the severity of symptoms indicates the doctor is in fact a repetition. In these cases, the patient's primary infection would have been asymptomatic, but for some reason, they have become obsolete and their immune system is not responding as it did when they were first infected. These and recurrences of HSV2 are typically around five days in duration, unless there is a serious gap in the immune system. In this case, the treating physician must refer the patient for further tests. Because HSV transmission requires skin-to-skin contact and viral shedding occur, usually an infection of HSV2 is specifically limited to the genitals. Affected areas include the vulva and lips of women and penis and scrotum in men, because of relations with penetration are very localized. Where a patient was infected with HSV1 on the genitals, the area is usually larger and wider distribution gallbladder because of oral sex-skin contact with the skin covering a wider area of the genitals. The two viruse

herpes virus information

virus found in humans, causing infections of the skin and mucous membranes, but is also a little more than cause serious infections in other parts of the body. The infections of herpes viruses May cause serious disease of the immune system in the removal of individuals (HIV or cancer patients, for example). Like all members of the family of herpes virus, herpes simplex virus remains with us for life. The virus affects only humans and there is no cure. It is estimated that more than half a million new cases of the virus occur each year and only in the USA, one in five of all adolescents and adults are infected. Newborns can herpes simplex mother during childbirth. If a newborn is infected with the virus, symptoms of infection May arise during the first month after birth: irritability, breathing problems, fever, convulsions, jaundice (yellow skin), lesions on the skin, bruising and low platelet count (platelets are the blood that makes it clot). In extreme cases the babies infected with herpes simplex May from serious eye problems, a small brain, mental retardation, seizures or even death. The virus rarely spreads to the baby through the placenta from mother, but to reduce the risk of infecting newborns, a cesarean delivery (Caesarean section) is recommended for pregnant women who have an active herpes simplex infection at the time of delivery . A fascinating fact about herpes is that at least one third of children are infected with the virus by the end of childhood. For most people, diagnosis of genital herpes (Herpes simplex virus 2 or HSV2) is a shock. For others, the diagnosis can be a confirmation of suspicions they had about their own health or their partners' behavior. Seeking to answer the question of how the patient contracted the condition often leads to a search for responsibility and self-recrimination. Living with herpes is something that initially May take some psychological adjustment for some patients. It does not mean the end of your sex life or that you will need to remain unmarried for the rest of your life. First HSV1 and HSV2, better known as the virus cold sores, are just two of a group of seven that viruses are known to infect humans. Others include the varicella zoster virus, commonly known as chickenpox and shingles. Diagnosis of infection is HSV1 or 2 can be established with a blood test known as Western Blot test, upside of this test is that the patient who has no active lesions be diagnosed through May the presence of antibodies against the strain is. Accuracy of this test is only 90-95%, depending on the laboratory in question. Some cases have occurred where patients were diagnosed with either a false positive or false negatives. The more accurate diagnosis with a doctor taking precedence over a new injury, obtaining stem the base of the lesion and a laboratory increasingly a viral culture thereof. Viable extracting a stem of the lesion can be very painful for the patient. HSV2 traditionally involved in genital infections with the virus dormant in the nerve sacred at the base of the spine during periods when the patient is not damage. HSV1 traditionally infections around the mouth and nose and lies dormant in the trigeminal nerve in the neck during the active phase of the disease. Current epidemiological studies across the Western world indicate the incidence of HSV2 in the order of one to eight people, representing 12% of the population. Only one in five of them with antibodies have been diagnosed. In real terms, in a room containing forty people, five HSV2 but only one known to have. A further three of the five May had a single symptom once or twice. That would have seemed so insignificant that they thought it was a button, infected hair follicle or a boil. The last one in five is someone who has never had a symptom and May never do so. For this patient, and three other patients undiagnosed, accusations of infection (usually followed by accusations of infidelity) a partner are often against accusations and disbelief. An estimate of the global population with antibodies HSV1 and the ability to

herpes virus mouth

its of being and feeling healthy then click below to discover a complete step by step natural treatment for your condition that requires no drugs and gets results. People seeking information about genital herpes and treatment options are usually concerned with whether or not they can find an actual cure for their herpes. Unfortunately, there is not yet a cure for herpes as this disease is a virus and we are a long way off from learning how to treat viruses. So when considering genital herpes and treatment options, remember that there is nothing that you are going to take that is going to actually cure your herpes. The best you can do is control or suppress the outbreak of herpes from happening as often as it does. There are many medications that are used to treat herpes, including Valtrex and Zovirax. These are antiviral medications that are sometimes also used to treat cold sores, shingles, and other such viruses. For genital herpes and treatment options, these medications seem to be very successful in suppressing outbreaks before they occur, and in helping them to clear up faster once they do. It's important to remember when considering your genital herpes and treatment options that a person can have herpes and yet have no outward signs or symptoms of the disease. It's possible to spread this disease to a sexual partner even when you are not experiencing an outbreak. Once infected, the virus actually stays in the body for the rest of your life. While some people may never have an outbreak and some have outbreaks only occasionally, some are plagued with outbreaks for up to six times per year or even more. In these types of cases, it's important to discuss your genital herpes and treatment options with your doctor, as herpes does not need to interfere with your life. Herpes simplex is part of a group of other virus called herpes Herpesviridae, which include the herpes virus 8 human (the cause of Kaposi's sarcoma), herpes zoster (the virus responsible for chickenpox and shingles) and cytomegalovirus (CMV). There are two strains of virus type 1 (HSV1), typically associated with the mouth, lips and face Infection and was responsible for the cold sores and fever blisters and type 2 (HSV 2) usually associated with infections of the sex organs (that is the main cause of the condition known as genital herpes) and these two strains of virus can cause extremely painful infections in humans. Both type 1 and type 2 herpes virus reside in a dormant in nerves that provide sensation on the skin. The virus' buds off 'nerve to the end and infects the skin cells surrounding the production of a group of painful light bulbs which are filled with the herpes simplex virus and are highly infectious. Récurrences type 1 infection can occur on virtually any part of the body surface, but are most often on the face, particularly on or around the lips. The infection of the mouth is very common and although the appearance May be a source of concern, it does not present serious risks to your health in general. Herpes simplex is actually the most

herpes virus elimination system

herpes. Somewhere around 50 million Americans. Breaking the statistics down, the rate for women is about one in four, and for men it is one in five. Herpes is more common than all other viral sexually transmitted diseases combined. Possibly one reason herpes is spreading so quickly is that about 80% of those infected are completely unaware of having herpes. So, 80% of those 50 million Americans are unknowingly putting their partners at risk of contracting herpes. While the disease is more contagious during an outbreak, the virus can be spread when there are no symptoms present at all. After the initial episode, those infected with HSV-2 have an 80% rate of re-occurrence. Infections caused by HSV-1 have a lot lower risk of re-occurrence -about 50% will have a re-occurrence with 4-5 outbreaks per year being the average number. While Herpes does have a characteristic look, there are other conditions that have a similar appearance. If you suspect that you may have herpes, getting a proper diagnosis by a medical practitioner is the first step. Genital herpes can be a highly painful, embarrassing and even debilitating condition that effects a surprisingly large amount of the population, surprising because you may have the herpes virus and never show signs of it and never have an outbreak but you can still have it lying dormant in your body and be able to pass it on to other people. Treatments for genital herpes are often thought of as suppression medication and balms to help against the physical symptoms like sores and lesions around the genitals, mount, thighs and other places that the symptoms can show up on. This however can be misleading to many people who think that these pharmaceutical treatments are herpes cures when they are anything but! The problem with saying something is a cure for herpes is that they do not actually eliminate the herpes virus from your system, the most they can do is suppress the virus and get rid of symptoms from herpes outbreaks but this is not the same as a real cure. So the first thing to remember is that when looking for treatments for genital herpes there is no cure! ... only good management. The herpes virus is so resistant to drugs that try to eliminate it that they can mutate and become even stronger and more volatile so good management becomes paramount for those that suffer genital herpes until modern medical science can come up with a real cure. Herpes treatment until this time comes involves a regime of good diet and health that is known to keep herpes outbreaks at bay. One immediate step you can take to treat your herpes and keep it suppressed is to avoid foods that contain Arginine and to increase intakes of foods that contain Lysine as these two properties of foods have been proven to effect herpes outbreaks. Other treatments for genital herpes include monitoring stress, sleep and other natural ways to make your body heal itself. IF you want to manage your herpes so completely you will never suffer outbreaks again and get your lifestyle and sex life back along with all the benef

herpes simplex virus stomatitis

herpes. One of the problems facing the drug, however, is that it isn't effective at all on men. Only women can benefit from the herpes vaccine. This, however, can be a huge relief to both men and women, considering that herpes is most often spread through sexual contact. With a herpes vaccine for women, men with herpes no longer need fear spreading the disease. A man infected with the illness who's married to an uninfected woman can start getting his family life back. A herpes vaccine helps dispel fear. After all, fear is what makes herpes so crippling to a person's social life. With a herpes vaccine on the way, people are able to take fear out of the equation and look at herpes as just another problem with a solution. The herpes simplex virus has been aggravating the world since time immemorial. It is indeed a scourge because there is no known herpes cure. Because the virus retreats and hides in the nerves between outbreaks (it then lies dormant), your body has a very hard time dealing with it. Herpes announces itself in an outbreak of tiny blisters mainly around the genital area which later turn into open sores. After an attack the herpes virus retreats back to the nerve endings and hides, making it difficult to treat or to find a cure. A Cure For Herpes Studies We know there is no herpes cure available, there are prescription drugs that can help suppress the herpes virus and also natural creams and lotions that will kill the virus on contact The simple fact that herpes is a virus is what makes it difficult to find a herpes cure. As a rule the immune system will deal with and destroy any viruses it finds but that fact that the herpes virus retreats and hides so well in the nerves when in the dormant phase makes finding a cure for herpes a more difficult task. Herpes Cure Drugs There is not a herpes cure, but precautions do work... Just using some common sense can go a long way to ensure you don't come into contact with this incurable virus. Always wear a condom. This is not infallible but will help in most cases. Also oral sex is another primary source of herpes infection. Oral infections on the inside of the mouth are occurring more and more every day. So when any oral sexual activity is being considered one must also use some form of protection as well. Again, the protection is not a cure for herpes but it greatly reduces the risk of becoming infected. Chastity is the only way to not get infected from any form of sexual intercourse. Genital Herpes still carries somewhat of a social stigma and it may not be something one freely shares with friends. The fact is that Genital Herpes is quite common with approximately one million new cases per year in the US alone. Being diagnosed with Genital Herpes can be a real shock for many. Emotions of feeling unclean, shame, and less worthy are common. The statistics show that if you are diagnosed with herpes, or if you think you may be, you have a lot of company. Take a look at these statistics: In the United States about 20% of the adult population are infected with genital h

herpes simplex virus 1 first detected

ch may further deteriorate the sore conditions. Prevention is preferable to cure so where possible, avoid acidic and salty foods. It is best to have no or very moderate quantum of foods which are as follows: chocolates, peanuts, grains, peas, seeds, oatmeal and whole-wheat rich in arginine. Schedule your diet plan in such a way that there is no consumption of tea or coffee and your foods are all rich in vitamins. Rubbing ice over the sore area every hour for a few minutes is an effective home remedy for cold sores. Or put tea bag on the sores or a few minutes every hour. A warm tea bag compress on the blisters for about half an hour could also be another option. Applying witch hazel on sores has a miraculous relief effect. If you are in the sun, apply sunscreen to your lips as it may help prevent sun-induced recurrences of cold sores. When you mix 100ml of coconut oil, 2ml of disinfectant, and 3ml of carbolic acid you could expect fantastic results. While some people recommend this for boils and mosquito bites, for cold sores apply this 2 times daily directly on the cold sores. One of the most effective home remedies for cold sores is using tea tree oil as a drink with herbal sage and violet. Make a mixture out of these components adding a couple of sage leaves and ginger powder and then put the whole mixture thus made in a cup of boiling water. If you want your cold sores to simply go away in a short span of couple of days, drink this at least 2 to 3 times a day. When everything fails for you, 3 acidophilus pills twice a day in the morning and evening could work wonders and dry and clear up. When sores bother you often try taking 2 pills a day. This is not a complete list of home cold sore remedies by any means but those that most commonly provide relief. Herpes is a very serious illness. Not just that, it is also very easily transmitted, putting every person at risk. Because of this, it can wreak havoc on a person's life. People who are infected are often shunned and avoided -suffering the stigma of disease as much as the symptoms. The cause of this is fear: people who do not have the disease fear the infected. Truly, a Herpes vaccine can solve a huge amount of problems for people. Why is a vaccine needed? For one thing, herpes isn't a curable ailment. All medicines available today are used to treat the symptoms of herpes, but can't do anything to cure the illness itself. Because of this, people have to live with the reality of herpes daily. Also because of this, people know that preventing herpes is much better than attempting to cure it. When it comes to prevention, there are various tips that doctors recommend instead of giving herpes vaccine. This includes limiting your sexual activity, wearing prophylactics and maintaining a healthy immune system. However, these tips aren't 100 percent guaranteed in herpes prevention. However, a bright beam of light shines on the horizon: today, trials are being conducted on a new herpes vaccine. This vaccine will help adjust a person's immune system to cope with the threat of

herpes simplex virus and the nervous system

caused by worry, anxiety, overwork or inadequate ventilation. The most common type, a chronic tension headache, is often caused by depression. Brain tissue itself is insensitive to pain, as is the bony covering of the brain (cranium). The stimulation of the nerves of the cranium, upper neck and the membranous linings of the brain will cause headache pain. This stimulation can be produced by inflammation, by the dilation of blood vessels of the head or by muscle spasms in the neck and head. Headaches brought on by muscle spasms are classified as tension headaches: those caused by the dilation of blood vessels are called vascular headaches. Migraine is the most common cause of vascular headache. Many things seem capable of triggering migraine attacks, including stress, fatigue, drugs and foods that contain substances that affect the blood vessels. Chronic headache may be physical symptoms of depression or other kinds of severe emotional problems. Stress has a debilitating effect on the nerves in general and certain premenstrual symptoms may be aggravated by stress. Many sufferers of PMS have abnormal levels of the adrenal hormone aldosterone, which may account for some of the problems of excessive fluid retention and weight gain, breast tenderness and abdominal bloating. Further release of aldosterone caused by stress will exacerbate these problems. Chronic stress can produce severe depression because of its debilitating psychological effects. The physiological changes produced by stress can also contribute to depression. Adrenaline and noradrenaline are not only adrenal hormones but chemical messengers in the brain. Deficiencies of noradrenaline have been linked to depression in certain individuals and so adrenal exhaustion through chronic long term stress may be a contributory factor in depressive illness. An outcome of a viral infection, cold sores can manifest themselves on the skin and the nervous system and they are also called fever blisters. Caused by herpes virus, which can lay inactive within the body and gets activated by a trigger and these are infectious. One should not confuse them with impetigo which shows up between the nose and upper lip. Areas where sores do not develop are inside the mouth, where canker sores may appear as ulcers on the soft tissues but they are not contagious. In a move to stop cold sore from spreading further, keep your hands properly washed. A drug called Acyclovir (Zovirax) helps in cutting short the time of infection. Treatment options could span over creams, ointments and even some antiviral drugs like acyclovir or famciclovir. If you have to manage accompanying pain, take paracetamol or take the help of witch hazel and apply on the sores. This local skin therapy doubles up as an effective anesthetic. It is important to have a hearty yet balanced diet which is in no way deficit in vitamins A, C, E, zinc and iron, as this helps in boosting your immune system. Over and above, you must learn to do away with overtly salty and spicy foods or foods which promote acidity and drinks whi

vacuna contra virus del herpes

cancer. Asthma is a respiratory disorder marked by the temporary constriction of the bronchi, the airways branching from the trachea to the lungs. Attacks are usually brought on by allergic reactions to antigens, such as grass and tree pollen, mould spores, fungi and certain foods but also may be caused by chemical irritants in the atmosphere or by infections of the respiratory tract. Susceptibility to an asthma attack is based on hyperactivity of the bronchial muscles, which constrict on exposure to one or any of these agents. Chronic stress reduces the efficiency of the adrenal glands, reducing the output of anti inflammatory and anti allergic adrenal hormones, which may make an asthma attack more likely. Diabetes is caused by the inability of the body to metabolise sugar correctly, leading to excessively high levels of sugar in the blood. Sugar metabolism is the responsibility of the hormone insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. Most diabetics can produce insulin but various factors limit the hormone's efficiency, known as 'insulin sensitivity'. The release of adrenal hormones under stress can have a significant impact on blood sugar levels. Adrenaline causes sugar in the liver to be put into the blood stream and cortisol acts to reduce the metabolism of glucose by cells. Large amounts of cortisol act to decrease insulin sensitivity. High blood sugar levels are not dangerous in normally healthy individuals but chronic stress, combined with other factors such as obesity, act to increase the likelihood of developing diabetes. Ulcers are frequently associated with stress, although no conclusive link has yet been demonstrated. Normally the lining of the stomach is covered with a layer of mucus to protect it from the digestive acids and enzymes used in the breaking down of food. Over time, chronic stress can stimulate the overproduction of gastric juices, which break down the protective mucus and act upon the walls of the digestive tract, resulting in ulceration. Ulcers usually occur singly in round or oval lesions; the erosions are usually shallow but can penetrate the entire wall, leading to haemorrhage and possibly death. Many problems with the digestive tract, such as constipation, diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome are linked to stress. The nerves in the digestive tract receive messages from the brain in the form of hormones, which tell the intestinal muscles to expand or contract. Hormonal imbalances can cause alterations in intestinal function, such as spasms, constipation and diarrhoea. Chronic stress tends to shut down the digestive system altogether, exacerbating intestinal problems. Stress increases levels of toxicity in the body and contributes to hormonal imbalances, both of which have an effect on the skin. The visible effects of stress on the skin include:- acne, spots, skin diseases, eczema, excessive pallor and psoriasis. Headaches are one of our most common afflictions and are normally caused not by disease but by fatigue, emotional disorders or allergies. Intermittent tension headaches are

oral herpes virus

ntal, physical and emotional resources suffer heavily and the body experiences 'adrenal exhaustion', where blood sugar levels decrease as the adrenals become depleted, leading to decreased stress tolerance, progressive mental and physical exhaustion, illness and collapse. Exposure to excessive stress results in hormonal imbalances, which can produce a variety of symptoms:- Physical symptoms - changes in sleep patterns, missed heartbeats, fatigue, palpitations, changes in digestion, breathlessness, loss of sexual drive, headaches, infections, indigestion, tingling of hands and feet, aches and pains in various parts of the body, dizziness, sweating and trembling. Mental symptoms - lack of concentration, panic attacks, memory lapses, difficulty in making decisions, disorientation and confusion. Emotional symptoms - deterioration in personal hygiene and appearance, bouts of depression, impatience and irritability, fits of rage and tearfulness. Behavioural symptoms - appetite changes, eating disorders, increased intake of alcohol and other drugs, nail biting, fidgeting, restlessness, hypochondria and increased smoking. The term 'cardiovascular' refers to the heart and the body's system of blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease is probably the most serious health problem that can be linked to stress - it is the most common cause of death in the UK and the USA. The primary causes of heart disease include smoking and high fat diets but stress is a significant contributory factor. Adrenal hormones act to increase blood pressure; temporary rises in blood pressure present no threat to health but a frequent or perpetual state of high blood pressure can have a serious effect on health in the long term. High blood pressure is linked with the development of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis is the result of the development of blood plaque in the arteries, which progressively narrows the pathway through which the blood flows. Eventually an artery can become blocked, leading to angina, stroke and heart failure. Infections, viruses, harmful bacteria and cancer are stopped from harming the body by the immune system. Excessive stress can damage the immune system by affecting the thymus gland, which manufactures white blood cells for regulating immunity and also produces various immune related hormones. The stress reaction diverts resources to the main parts of the body that need to deal with stress, mainly the brain, heart and muscles. The immune system and other systems are deprived of resources. The thymus gland may shrink because of the hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands. This will also degrade the work done by the white blood cells, which will cause damage to the body's ability to fight infection. Reduced resistance to common infections, such as flu, colds and herpes is a result of high stress. Because certain types of white blood cells produced by the thymus are active in preventing the development of cancer cells in the body, any damage to the thymus may effect the bod's ability to resist

what is herpes virus of the penis

to the immune system and is something I used whenever I feel myself coming down with anything. It always helps me to get over whatever it is rather quickly. These are just a few ways to help you cure cold sores but hopefully they can help you get rid of any that you have a little quicker than you would have otherwise. Fever blisters, another name give to cold sores are small, fluid-filled blisters that crop up on or near the lips. They can appear in clusters or individually. That is a question that most parents ask, especially when they think that their child has been exposed to a person with cold sores. The answer to this question is yes, children can get cold sores. Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex virus, which is passed from person to person through direct skin-to-skin contact.Cold sores are caused by the Herpesviridae (Herpes simplex virus ) which are a large family of DNA Viruses that cause diseases in humans and animals Herpes infections are marked by painful, watery blisters in the skin or mucous membranes (such as the mouth or lips) or on the genitals. Sometimes the virus can also be passed by sharing utensils, razors, or other person hygiene items. Any person can contract this virus regardless of age, so it is important to monitor your child to be sure they they don't come in direct contact with someone that has a cold sore. One of the most common ways for a child to contract the cold sore virus is by sharing toys and utensils with other children that carry the virus. If you have younger children, be careful about letting them put dirty toys in their mouth-- especially if other kids have placed the same toy in their mouth. Also, teach your children about not sharing utensils or drinks. Many kids don't think that it is a big deal to pass their soda on to their friend to share, but the virus may be contracted. Teach them about cleanliness and good hygiene practices, and help them understand that they should not touch their friend's mouth if they have a cold sore. It is difficult to keep every child away from the cold sore virus, so the best thing that you can do as a parent is to be proactive. Unfortunately many people contract the Herpes virus at some point in their life, and if you child has a cold sore it is a good idea to teach them about how to treat a cold sore so that it will heal quickly. There is treatment is available for herpes, there is no cure. Prevention of neonatal herpes is very challenging. Preventing infection in the parents can help reduce the newborn's risk of infection. Although there may be a vaccine on the way, more research is still needed. Any drug use, especially in babies or young children, needs to be undertaken only with the careful advice, prescription, and follow-up of a physician. This and other medical issues need to be discussed with your baby's physician. In the future, we may be able to further protect the infant with vaccines for the mother, the infant, or both, and treat them with more potent medications. An infection in a child is usually caused by the spread of his or her parent. So, be careful with the help of this perfect guid - Fast Cold Sores Treatment How the body reacts to prolong stress is described by Dr Hans Selye in terms of the General Adaptation Syndrome. Selye divides the stress response into three phases: Alarm Response, Adaptation and Exhaustion. The Alarm Response is the fight or flight response that prepares the body for immediate action. If the source of stress persists, then the body prepares for long term protection through the secretion of further hormones that increase blood sugar levels to sustain energy and raise blood pressure. This Adaptation phase, resulting from exposure to prolonged periods of stress, is common and not necessarily harmful but without periods of relaxation and rest to counter-balance the stress response, sufferers become prone to fatigue, concentration lapses, irritability and lethargy as the effort to sustain arousal slides into negative stress. Under persistent, chronic stress, sufferers enter the Exhaustion phase: me

human herpes virus 6 neurological disease

may indicate that you have a bacterial infection. If you develop numerous small, fluid-filled blisters, you may have eczema herpeticum. This is a rare but potentially serious complication caused by the herpes simplex virus. Eczema is not contagious. There is no known cause for eczema but it is activated by your immune system. Eczema is related to but not the same as an allergic reaction. Eczema sufferers are at risk of developing other allergic conditions. There are many triggers that can cause your eczema to inflame. Some of the triggers are clothing, blankets, soap, latex, nickel, heat, fabric softeners, washing powder, lotions, sweat, formaldehyde, dry skin, and even stress. Finding a way to cure cold sores is top priority if you are someone that suffers from them. They are painful and at times unsightly making you wish they were gone the instant they appeared. Many will refer to them as cold sores but they are actually caused by herpes simplex virus and will show up around the lips, eyes and genitals. The worse part is that they can cause some pain, uneasiness and some inflammation making them that much more annoying. 1. There are a few tips to cure cold sores that can help speed the process along. Since they are caused by a virus there is of course no way to cure them instantly but you can help to get rid of them quicker than if you did nothing at all. A very important thing to remember is to keep the sores clean and dry; avoiding covering them with any kind of makeup as may worsen the irritation. 2. To accelerate the healing process and to avoid any bleeding, spreading or cracking you can dampen the area with petroleum gel. If the affected area is around your lip you can add some lip balm that has SPF so that you can avoid irritation to the blisters. Numerous cases of cold sore infections are actually due to excessive exposure to bright sunlight. 3. Tea has long been referred to as one of the natural healers and that is also the case for your cold sore. A dampened tea bag placed over the affected region can help to east the pain and uneasiness and to reduce inflammation. Tannins that are found in tea are actually anti-viral which is why they can help you cure cold sores more quickly than if just left alone. 4. Foods that are rich in lysine are a wondering thing to eat when you have any type of cold sore as lysine is known for its ability to help the body fight infection. Lysine also works to prevent the virus from further replicating itself. Two foods that are rich in lysine are potatoes and dairy products. Avoid foods that have citrus and arginine as much as possible. These foods would include chocolates, whole grains and peanuts. Vitamin C is a way to help your body heal itself and so consuming foods high in it is another great idea. 5. Herbs are used for many things and they can also help to cure cold sores. Two herbs that are widely used for this are sage and peppermint. Simply add a drop or two of the extracts and allow the anti-viral effect of these herbs to do the rest. Echinacea is also a wonderful boost

human herpes virus 6 neurological disease

on (such as deafness or blindness). In Freudian theory, nail biting is seen as a sign of oral fixation. Nail Biting Symptoms It is but normal for children to display some degree of nail biting, thumb sucking and other disorders. Everyone did some nose picking and hair twirling during childhood years. However, when a habit becomes persistent and extreme, parents, friends and family should start intervening. Aside from having very short fingernails, other signs that may suggest that one is into nail biting include: 1. Oral herpes 2. Paronychia (nail infection that affects soft tissues surrounding the nails) 3. Herpetic whitlos (lesions on fingers or thumb due to herpes simplex virus) 4. Apical root resorption 5. Damaged dentition 6. Gingivitis 7. Fractures or cracks to incisors 8. Warts around the nail bed 9. Nail fungus Side-effects Of Nail Biting Aside from embarrassment that you get from nail biting and having not-so pretty nails and fingers, there are a lot more negative, and potentially dangerous, side effects to biting your nails incessantly. 1. Mouth Infections People who bite their nails usually do not wash their hands before biting. Thus, there is a high probability of getting bacteria and other harmful microbes inside the mount. Acute or chronic infection to the mouth, lips or gums is very likely to happen. Did you know that there are about 2,000 types of skin infections that were discovered in nail salons? Just imagine how prone you are to bacteria and diseases because of this habit disorder. 2. Orthodontic Problems Nails are hard and quite difficult to chew. If you get into the habit of biting your nails, it is not impossible for you to damage your teeth, particularly your incisors. This habit may even affect your bite and the appearance of your teeth. Aside from having not-so-pretty hands, you could also have cracked and broken front teeth. This is not a sight to behold, especially in front of romantic mates. 3. Inability To Make Use of Hands Let's face it if your hand is always on your mouth, it would be difficult for you to perform tasks properly. In extreme cases, nail biting can really prevent a person from performing even mundane and ordinary tasks given to them. 4. Nail Infections Nail biting can cause your nails and nail beds to weaken. Bacteria and fungi could enter these small cracks and lesions on your nails made by your persistent biting. Although some types of nail infections are easy to manage, others like nail fungus can be very hard to get rid of. Eczema, often called dermatitis (inflamed skin), affects people of all age groups and race equally, but is most common among infants and young adults. An estimated 10% of all people are, at some time, affected by eczema. Eczema is a skin condition that can appear on any area of your body, but it most frequently appears on your face, wrists, elbows, and knees. It can cause your skin to become itchy, red, dry, cracked, blistery, and leathery. You can develop yellowish to light brown crust or pus-filled blisters over existing patches of eczema. This