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Wednesday 14 January 2009

Thought-provoking Lowdown About Treacherous Sexual Transmitted Infections

There is a wide range of stis and stds, so take a look at the information we have provided below and learn how to protect yourself against them.

Sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted by sexual contact, including oral intercourse, anal intercourse and vaginal intercourse.

Sexually transmitted diseases and infections are highly contagious and they could cause discomfort, infertility and myriads other problems for the sufferer.

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that many citizens may not even know they present. Per contra, even if they do not display symptoms, they could still pass on the infection to others.

An attack of genital herpes can range from a mild soreness to painful blisters on the genitals in male and female sufferers. The introductory episode of symptoms can last 2 to 3 weeks and further episodes of symptoms may also occur from time to time. After all, these are in the main less severe than the first episode.

There is no cure for herpes, but there are a number of treatments available that can help relieve symptoms.

Syphilis is a very serious sexually transmitted infection, which is caused by a bacteria known as Treponema pallidum.

Syphilis is most often transmitted while sexual contact. It could also be passed on by direct skin contact with someone that has syphilis sores or a syphilis rash or by a blood transfusion.

The symptoms are the same in women and male persons, but they can time and again be difficult to recognise. Without treatment, the syphilis infection may cause serious long term damage and lead to death.

For further information on stds and stis or for more lessons on testing and treatment, please look in your local sexual health middle. You will spot out where your nearest sexual health centre is, please call your local health authority.

Alternatively, you could drop in your doctor who will regularly see patients with sexual health problems. Your doctor will be able to offer diagnosis, treatment and pointers.

The only convention to be 100 per cent safe from stds and stis is abstinence. Though, if you are sexually active, you may help to protect you and your partner by having regular sexual health checks. In addition to this, you should make uncompromising you always use a condom for any classification of sexual activity. This will also help to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Suitable And Exotic Manual To Stds For The Older Woman

From the moment we become sexually active, we enter to put ourselves at risk from STDs. There are a wide range of STDs that can put us at risk and we intend to use this guidebook to chronicle you a little more about them, as well as low-downs on how you may protect yourself from them and access treatment.

Please do not use this sexual health manual as a substitute for seeing your doctor or sexual health clinic. If you show got any concerns about any aspect of your sexual health, please ensure you look in one of these locales immediately.

STDs and STIs are diseases or infections that are passed on through sexual contact, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. Some STDs and STIs may also be transmitted via IV needles after their use by an infected human being, as well as childbirth or breastfeeding.

You can pinpoint out more about the wide range of STDs and STIs below, as we display listed lots of commodious information about some of the greater common.

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that myriads people may not even know they have. After all, even if they do not demonstrate symptoms, they may still pass on the infection to others.

An attack of genital herpes may range from a mild soreness to painful blisters on the genitals in manly and female sufferers. The primary episode of symptoms could last 2 to 3 weeks and further episodes of symptoms could also occur from time to time. Howbeit, these are as a rule less severe than the initial episode.

There is no cure for herpes, but there are a number of treatments available that can help relieve symptoms.

Syphilis is a very serious sexually transmitted infection, which is caused by a bacteria labeled Treponema pallidum.

Syphilis is by and large transmitted when, sexual contact. It may also be passed on by direct skin contact with individuals that has syphilis sores or a syphilis rash or by a blood transfusion.

The symptoms are the same in women and grown men, but they could regularly be difficult to recognise. Without treatment, the syphilis infection can cause serious long term damage and lead to death.

For more help and aids on STDs and STIs, please drop over your local sexual health middle. They will be able to test you, as well as offer treatment.

You could also try seeing your doctor for more lessons. Do not be embarrassed about visiting your dr, they regularly see problems of a sensitive nature.

There are many ways to protect yourself against stds and stis, although only abstinence is 100 percent safe. In spite of, sexually active people can protect themselves against stis and stds by making set they display regular sexual health checks. In addition to this, condoms should be worn for all kinds of sexual activity. These will protect you from legions stis and stds, as well as unwanted pregnancy.

Does Herpes Look Like a Pimple/ Can a Pimple Mean Genital Herpes

Developing a pimple like bump in the genital area can be scary as thoughts run through you mind such as does herpes look like a pimple. First of all, don't panic, the unknown is never a good feeling but there may be a simple explanation for this bump. If you feel you do have herpes, please seek the advice and diagnosis from your physician as herpes is a sexually transmitted disease and now infects 25% of the population in the U.S.

Now, let's look into the question does herpes look like a pimple. In the early stages of herpes it is often confused with other conditions such as sweat rash, pimple, jock itch and ingrown hair. This may be because the early signs and symptoms of herpes is a burning, itching, tingling sensation which can also be the symptoms of a rash or jock itch.

The physical appearance of herpes is a red bump which can be mistaken for a pimple. As the herpes virus develops though it will turn into a blister filled with fluid which definitely takes on a different appearance than a pimple.

Although a pimple, rash, jock itch or an ingrown hair can be painful; these will usually clear up fairly quickly whereas the initial outbreak of herpes can last up to 3 weeks. If you are asking does herpes look like a pimple than that means you have something mysterious going on and would like to find the answer to what is going on.

You are doing the right thing by researching about this virus as early detection and prevention will help in the spread of herpes. I hope that your fears will be alleviated and your symptom is something other than herpes but if not and you do have the virus, you are not alone and there is help. As someone who has lived with genital herpes for 27 years I can tell you life does go on. There are so many ways to help you control the virus these days that it is not as bad as it once was.

Stages of Herpes/ Help Prevent Transmission by Knowing the Stages of Herpes

Understanding the stages of herpes will help in the prevention of spreading this virus. Of those who are infected, 80% are not aware that they are carrying the disease. This is why it is so important to educate yourself in order to help avoid the spread of this virus.

These stages of herpes pertain to both HSV-1 which is referred to as cold sores that appear around the mouth and eyes (ocular herpes) and HSV-2 which generally affects the genital area. The viruses can be carried in bodily fluids such as saliva, semen, fluid in the female genital tract or in fluid from the herpes sore. Usually within three days to two weeks after first contact of the virus the infection enters the body. The direct contact of a blister or sore during an outbreak is when there is the highest risk to spread the infection.

Prodrome Stage: This stage is the very beginning of the virus. It includes the burning, itching, tingling feeling you experience at the onset of an outbreak. You may also experience flu-like symptoms that include fever and body aches. Infection Stage: Red bumps will begin to appear followed by the formation of blisters. This can either be one blister or many. These blisters then break open to expose an ulcer like wound which will then scab over. After the scab falls off this means the infection is over.

Latent Stage: The virus will begin to replicate when it comes into contact with the mucosal surfaces or skin wounds. It then transports itself within nerve cells to their roots where it remains in its latent stage, meaning inactive, for a period of time. During this stage of herpes, the virus is not transmissible.

Shedding Stage: The herpes virus does not stay latent and at some point it will begin to replicate again without causing symptoms which is called shedding. During this stage is when the virus is the most transmissible through bodily fluids and can infect other people. This is the most dangerous stage of all as this is when the virus is undetectable with the high risk of spreading. This stage of herpes accounts for about a third of all HSV-2 infections.

It is very difficult during the latent stage to prevent spreading this disease but there are ways to reduce the risk through medications. Reducing the risk of transmission during an outbreak is a little easier as there are precautions that can be taken. It is known that these two viruses can be spread from one part of the body to the other. Take extreme caution by washing your hands with warm water and soap after touching the infected area. Avoid facial and sexual contact with both of these viruses.

There is no treatment that can cure herpes, but topical and antiviral medications can shorten and prevent outbreaks during the period of time the person takes the medication. In addition, daily suppressive therapy for symptomatic herpes can reduce transmission to partners.

Causes Of Cold Sores - Your Top Three Cold Sore Creators

You probably have heard that stress, fever and cold weather are causes of cold sores. Yes, a cold sore often appears during these events. But, these are just cold sore triggers. The actual causes are not quite that simple.

First, keep in mind that the herpes simplex virus is the parasite virus that causes all cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes outbreaks (three names for the same thing). Over 89% of folks on the planet carry this virus all their lives.

The herpes virus prefers to live in your nerve fibers and makes its lifetime home there. Normally it is latent and hiding. When the right conditions present themselves, it will activate and move to the surface to replicate.

This virus cannot create its own kind. Like a true parasite, it forces your cells to create the new virus. Each virus particle enters a single cell on your lip or nose and takes control.

Once the cell is full of new virus, the controlling virus destroys it to release new virus hoards. This explosion of many cells creates the gaping cold sore ulcer. It is very painful since it occurs on the end of the nerve.

Below are the top conditions or causes of cold sores in most people. If you can keep them under control, you will have very few - if any - cold sore outbreaks.


Your pH is a measure of the acid or alkaline state of your body. On a scale of 1 through 14, 7 is neutral. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. The preferred level for best health is slightly alkaline at about 7.35 on the pH scale.

When in an alkaline state, your cells are rich in oxygen and very resistant to all viruses - including cold sores.

Stress, illness, injury and cold weather are some of the triggers that cause your body to drop into an acid state below 7. This reduces your serum oxygen and makes you less resistant to cold sore attack.

Food choices can also contribute a lot to an acid condition in your body. These include carbonated drinks, pork, white flour, alcohol and pickled foods. Green vegetables will contribute to a healthy alkaline condition.

The vitamin stores have supplements and powders to help keep you alkaline. Many folks swear by these for their optimum health. Give them a try - especially if you have severe and frequent cold sore events.


Arginine is a common protein and one of the main causes of cold sores.

Arginine is the primary building block needed to create new herpes simplex virus. Without an ample supply of this protein, your cells cannot create herpes virus.

Your cells store arginine in special receptor areas within the cell. Lysine is another similar protein that shares the same storage receptors.

The good news - your cells cannot create herpes virus with lysine protein. Increasing your intake of lysine saturates your cells and forces out excess arginine. This, in effect, starves the herpes virus and sends it back into hiding.

This tactic is especially noticeable during a cold sore event. It often stops a cold sore dead in its tracks.

Eating more lysine foods - and less arginine foods - can be quite effective. However, most folks find lysine supplements the best way to go. They are cheap, safe and very convenient. Normal dosage during an outbreak is about 4000 milligrams daily.


Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are also one of the main causes of cold sores. This is quite common actually. Our foods today contain less than half the nutrients of 50 years ago - as proven in hundreds of research studies.

Vitamins and minerals are critical to a healthy body and strong immune system - able to fight off another herpes attack.

Look for high levels of B and C vitamins. These are the stress vitamins that help you cope better with any stress you may encounter. Your body burns these up quickly so you must replenish them daily.

Calcium and zinc are key minerals in the battle against cold sore infection. Zinc destroys virus. Calcium is the main mineral used by your body to maintain an alkaline nature. Get at least 1000 milligrams of calcium daily.

Of all these causes of cold sores, you can see that it boils down to your pH balance, proper nutrient intake and starving the cold sore virus.

I hope that this article helps you identify your true causes of cold sores, so you can enjoy a cold sore free life too.